Waiting to buy a home will cost you $

Waiting to buy a home will cost you $

"I want to wait." "I am going to hold off." These have been the responses I have been getting lately during discussions about new homeownership. I wanted to share with you on reasons why you or your clients should pull the trigger.

  1. Inventory is getting smaller. There are more buyers looking than houses currently available. Therefore, shortening your list of options to find that dream house with a pool you have been searching for.
  2. Higher home prices. It is basic Economics 101- Supply and Demand. If there is less of something the higher the price. Pending sales have increased by 31% & appreciation has risen by 15%. (Stats from Dec. 2020)
  3. Next, rates have left "all the time lows". They are expected to slowly rise in 2021

Don't wait!

Get keys in 2021.


