Wait! Your Weight?
Wait! Your Weight? Wait! Your weight is not who you are? #LISAonthego. how many times have you been judged on your weight? Often, LISAonthego says her weight is not who she is and she is so much more. Weight gain could be a lifelong, temporary or recent change in our appearance. We are all shape and sizes but this isn’t who we are, it is an appearance, physical body and how we dress ourselves. How we use make up, perfume, clothes we wear and again are our physical selves. People then feel they are entitled to judge us and let us know their opinions and express it. It’s time to stop expressing your opinions and look past the physical body and see the person for who they are. This is not who we are, so who are you? LISAonthego is caring, loving, supportive person who loves to be around people, knowledgeable, have fun, laugh, works on #Spiritualfitnessonthego and performing: yoga, meditation, inspirational talks and workshops, A Course in Miracles and going on walks with Mr. Tucker. LISAonthego feels media is a main culprit in telling us our weight is whom we are and in recent years realty shows is helping to change this persona. Some of these shows are My Big Fabulous Life and the Biggest Loser. On My Big Fabulous Life I enjoy Whitney’s persona she is outgoing, funny, great laughs and a great outlook on life, an inspiration to others. The Biggest Loser shows us we are not our weight and huge transformations that take place dropping weight but again it is not who we are, what we feel, it is our physical facade. For today let’s look at people for who they are, how they make us feel, what we like about them and not what you see physically. Have a great day! Love, Laughter & Peace, LISAonthego
quote and photo by @allygawrys
shared by #LISAonthego with Spiritualfitnessonthego.com
Wellness & Preventive, #yoga, #meditation, #inspirational #talks #quotes, #acim