Wait, What?! You Can Chat with Your Data Model?
One of the standout features of tools in somewhat recent times is ChatGPTs ability to upload PDFs or small datasets and interact with them directly. This functionality extends to a variety of data sources, including screenshots or images. I’ve previously blogged about uploading BAS screenshots, where ChatGPT does an impressive job analyzing them.
In this example shown below in the GIF, I uploaded a CSV file containing trend data from a VAV box (an HVAC zone in a large system) and asked ChatGPT to analyze the data, create a plot, and provide insights based on its observations.
Behind the scenes, when you upload a file, tools like ChatGPT operate within a sandbox environment where they generate and execute Python scripts to analyze the data. Not only that, but they also have the ability to troubleshoot the script—checking if it runs successfully or not. If the initial attempt fails, ChatGPT will make multiple attempts to fix the issue and try again.
This iterative process allows ChatGPT to handle simple analytical tasks effectively, such as generating plots, calculating statistics, or identifying trends. While not perfect, it demonstrates a practical way to use LLMs for straightforward data analysis tasks.
But what happens if you upload something more complex, like a data model for a building in the form of a BRICK .ttl (Turtle) file? In this case, ChatGPT might respond with something like this:
"To understand the details of the building described in the uploaded .ttl file, I will need to parse the file and extract meaningful information. Let me analyze the file content and provide a summary of the building. Please hold on.
It seems there was an issue accessing the content of the .ttl file. Could you confirm that the file is correctly formatted or re-upload the file? Alternatively, let me know if you’d like me to assist in another way!"
In other words, working with a BRICK .ttl file or similar complex data models might be a challenge even for advanced tools like ChatGPT or the best LLMs available today. While these models excel at handling structured data and performing analysis on simpler datasets, fully understanding a comprehensive data model with intricate relationships and semantics is another level of complexity.
That raises the question: Can ChatGPT—or any LLM—truly comprehend a data model like BRICK? My take is that while LLMs can parse and interact with such models to some extent, they often lack the depth required for full understanding and manipulation without guidance or external tools tailored for the task.
This screenshot below which showcases a BRICK data model that appears to act as a bridge between human-readable information and machine-processable data. What stands out to me is the use of common HVAC terminology, making it relatable for both experts and systems.
For example, terms like air handling unit (AHU) and its associated zones are clearly represented. Specifically, I can see that this AHU01 includes a cooling valve, typical temperature sensors found in larger AHUs, is fed by a chiller, and a supply air pressure sensor—a strong indicator that this is a VAV AHU (Variable Air Volume system).
Additionally, the model provides information about the building itself, such as its size—9,973 square feet—further enriching the context and making it practical for building performance analysis or HVAC system optimization.
When an engineer has access to a "summary" of a building and its systems, it can spark a flood of ideas. For me, even with a small screenshot like this, I immediately start thinking about applying fault detection diagnostics (FDD) on the AHU using ASHRAE G36 rule sets, or exploring potential strategies for automated supervisory optimization (ASO).
The engineer especially the seasoned engineers, especially those with decades of experience like an Eric Truelove PE GGF LEED AP —can probably take this even further, give them a mechanical schedule, and they can likely infer a great deal about a building just by analyzing the system capacities and the common data embedded in mechanical schedules within blueprints. This level of expertise allows them to paint a comprehensive picture of a building’s design and performance potential with remarkable intuition.
For example, during one of my roles at an ESCO company, I worked on energy audits alongside veteran engineers like Eric—professionals with decades in the trade. We often audited school district projects, and it was fascinating to watch these experts in action. On a short walk-through of a building, like an aging school, a veteran might already be redesigning the system in their mind mid walkthrough. With just a clipboard for jotting notes about system capacities, they could mutter on the way out of the building something like, “This is a $200,000 mechanical retrofit job.” And they’d rarely be far off.
Similarly, seasoned professionals like a Christian Tremblay Kevin Smith or Aaron Fish (among many others) who work their way up through the ranks in owning a controls contracting business could likely walk through the same building and, without breaking a sweat, intuitively estimate something like, "$25,000 for a complete retrofit of the HVAC controls." This kind of quick assessment, based entirely on intuition and years of experience, showcases the depth of knowledge these professionals bring to the table.
The goal is to enable the LLM to think in a similar way, and I believe it’s possible given the right context and data. The ability to quickly interpret a summary—whether from a model or a walk-through—and generate practical ideas, strategies, or even ballpark costs is a skill that typically takes humans decades of experience to develop. But can an LLM emulate this kind of thinking?
This expertise, honed through countless projects and deep familiarity with systems and pricing, allows seasoned engineers to analyze a building, envision solutions, and walk away with a fairly accurate sense of what’s needed—both technically and financially. The question is, with the right inputs, can an LLM achieve a similar level of insight and decision-making?
What can an LLM do in this process?
I don’t think an LLM will be conducting energy audits anytime soon. In my experience, they still have a long way to go when it comes to reliably parsing complex models like BRICK without repeated attempts to get it right. However, I do believe an LLM can sound like a seasoned veteran engineer if it's provided with the correct data.
For example, I’ve been experimenting with BRICK models and SPARQL queries to summarize a model into a text file that describes the building. The summary might include details such as:
To me, even a basic building summary like this can be invaluable. It provides enough context to start crafting operational strategies for common HVAC systems based on the building's characteristics.
For instance, a SPARQL query to loop through a BRICK model and count the number of AHUs in the building might look like this, written in Python:
from rdflib import Graph
# Load the BRICK model into an RDF graph
g = Graph()
g.parse("building_model.ttl", format="turtle")
# Define the SPARQL query to count AHUs
query = """
PREFIX brick: <https://brickschema.org/schema/1.1/Brick#>
SELECT (COUNT(?ahu) AS ?ahu_count)
?ahu a brick:Air_Handling_Unit .
# Execute the query
results = g.query(query)
# Display the result
for row in results:
print(f"Number of AHUs in the building: {row['ahu_count']}")
This kind of programmatic approach to summarizing a BRICK model offers a scalable way to extract actionable insights about a building. With such summaries, even an LLM could draft basic operational strategies based on standard HVAC practices.
Summarizing this data into a text file that an LLM can easily understand might look something like this:
Building Type: Medium Office
Total Floor Area: 130149 sq ft
Number of Floors: 4
Total AHUs: 16
- Variable Air Volume AHUs: 0
- Constant Volume AHUs: 11
Cooling Coils: 10
Heating Coils: 0
Supply Fans: 0
Return Fans: 0
Recommended Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs):
- Convert CV systems to VAV systems for better efficiency.
- Optimize cooling coil operation during low-load periods.
- Implement load-based staging of RTUs to minimize energy demand during low-occupancy periods.
- Adjust thermostat setpoints to align cooling schedules with office hours.
- Operate economizers to leverage outdoor air for free cooling when conditions permit.
- Optimize HVAC scheduling to match occupancy levels.
- Upgrade BAS to improve zoning and control.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
- Run Time Reduction: Measure total runtime of HVAC equipment.
- Energy per Occupied Area: Track energy consumption (kWh) relative to building occupancy.
No Timeseries References Found.
If you notice below in the screenshot from DOEs website, the file includes some additional text about KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and ECMs (Energy Conservation Measures), which is quite generic. I generated this section using Python, referencing DOE guidelines for building type and climate zone. These references provide a wealth of information about potential KPIs and ECMs that could be implemented based on the systems present in the building.
In essence, we’re creating a structured reference to help the LLM better understand the building and its systems. By combining data from the BRICK model with insights like these, the LLM gains a clearer picture of the building’s operational context and opportunities for optimization.
If you also notice in text file summaries of the BRICK models, at the bottom of the text file, there’s a message stating "No Timeseries References Found." This is another output generated by the Python code used to create the text file. When timeseries references are found, they are included in the summarized text file. For example, the file might look like this when timeseries references are present:
Building Type: Unknown Building Type
Total Floor Area: 126641 sq ft
Number of Floors: 2
Total AHUs: 8
- Variable Air Volume AHUs: 7
- Constant Volume AHUs: 1
Cooling Coils: 8
Heating Coils: 0
Supply Fans: 0
Return Fans: 0
Recommended Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs):
- Implement Demand Control Ventilation (DCV) for VAV systems.
- Convert CV systems to VAV systems for better efficiency.
- Optimize cooling coil operation during low-load periods.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
Timeseries References:
- Sensor: ACAD.AHU.AHU01.CCV
Timeseries ID: 85bb0cab-3e62-33eb-963d-a418c4c8dcae
- Sensor: ACAD.AHU.AHU01.Cooling_Valve_Output
Label: ACAD.AHU.AHU01.Cooling Valve Output
Timeseries ID: 79f48ae1-c476-3d3a-9938-61a90ceb2bd9
- Sensor: ACAD.AHU.AHU01.Heating_Valve_Output
Label: ACAD.AHU.AHU01.Heating Valve Output
Timeseries ID: db852069-679f-360f-84df-c7119289709c
- Sensor: ACAD.AHU.AHU01.Mixed_Air_Temp
Label: ACAD.AHU.AHU01.Mixed Air Temp
Timeseries ID: 11ad879d-23fd-38e2-9d06-01d671af5fa0
- Sensor: ACAD.AHU.AHU01.Mode
Label: ACAD.AHU.AHU01.Mode
Timeseries ID: c784eada-7c2b-3a2d-85cd-9f504bd81153
Timeseries references are what link BAS (Building Automation System) points to a database. If a data model includes timeseries references, it can result in an enormous text file, far too large to input into an LLM to provide context effectively. This is a key consideration when summarizing data models for use with LLMs—finding the balance between detail and brevity to ensure the file remains manageable while still capturing essential information.
Word Embeddings
One solution is to feed a summary of the building into the LLM. While my fast prototyping still needs significant work, particularly for handling timeseries references, I’ve found that using word embeddings appears to work reasonably well.
At a high level, word embeddings involve converting text into vectors—mathematical representations of words or phrases in a multi-dimensional space. These vectors can then be stored in a vector store. One common approach is to use an algorithm originally developed by Facebook called FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search), which efficiently manages and retrieves these embeddings. The results can even be saved into a pickle file for later use, as shown below:
from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings
from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS
from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
import pickle
import os
# Text file and model paths
file_path = r"C:\Users\bbartling\Desktop\my-own-llm\ttl_to_text_tests\processed_data\acad.txt"
embedding_model = "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2"
store_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0]
# Read text data
with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
content = f.read()
# Split text into chunks
text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=200, length_function=len)
chunks = text_splitter.split_text(text=content)
# Check for existing pickle file
if os.path.exists(f"my_data/{store_name}.pkl"):
with open(f"my_data/{store_name}.pkl", "rb") as f:
VectorStore = pickle.load(f)
# Use HuggingFace embeddings
embeddings = HuggingFaceEmbeddings(model_name=embedding_model)
VectorStore = FAISS.from_texts(chunks, embedding=embeddings)
with open(f"{store_name}.pkl", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(VectorStore, f)
By experimenting with the BRICK data model summary—which includes 3,371 lines of timeseries references—I’ve developed another Python script that incorporates an input function. This allows us to query the summarized BRICK model interactively. For example, you can ask specific questions or search for particular details within those 3,371 lines, making it a powerful tool for exploring and understanding the data.
import os
import pickle
# Path to the existing pickle file
PICKLE_PATH = "acad.pkl"
BRICK_IN_TEXT_FILE_PATH = r"C:\Users\bbartling\Desktop\my-own-llm\ttl_to_text_tests\processed_data\acad.txt"
print("Loading Text File: \n", BRICK_IN_TEXT_FILE_PATH)
def load_index(pickle_path):
Load the FAISS index from the pickle file.
if not os.path.exists(pickle_path):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Pickle file {pickle_path} not found! Please create the index first.")
with open(pickle_path, "rb") as f:
index = pickle.load(f)
print(f"Index loaded from {pickle_path}")
return index
def query_index(index, query, top_k=2):
Perform a query on the loaded FAISS index.
results = index.similarity_search(query, k=top_k)
return results
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Step 1: Load Existing Index
print("Loading existing index...")
index = load_index(PICKLE_PATH)
# Step 2: Query the Index
print("\nReady for queries!")
while True:
query = input("\nEnter your query (or type 'exit' to quit): ")
if query.lower() == "exit":
results = query_index(index, query)
print("\nRelevant Information:")
for i, result in enumerate(results, 1):
print(f"{i}. {result.page_content}")
When this Python program is run in a simulated "Chatbot" interface, you can enter queries like "AHU02 Cooling Valve." The vector store then searches and returns the most relevant timeseries references from the data. Essentially, it uses the vector embeddings to find matches based on similarity.
While it’s not perfect and there may be better solutions out there, this approach works reasonably well for fast prototyping and testing concept ideas. It provides a practical way to interact with complex data like a BRICK model summary in an intuitive, chatbot-style interface.
The ultimate goal is to prototype an AI-powered assistant for building operators. By combining the summarized building data with the ability to query timeseries references, the LLM or AI app can help operators understand system performance, diagnose faults, and explore optimization strategies—all within a user-friendly, interactive interface.
To test this concept, I’ve implemented it using the OpenAI API in a Python script. While the code is lengthy (apologies for that!), the core functionality lies in how we inject the building summary and vector store results into the LLM prompt. Specifically, the script structures the messages as follows:
{"role": "system", "content": "You are an expert in building HVAC systems and diagnostics. Provide a structured analysis for the user."},
{"role": "user", "content": f"Building Summary:\n{building_summary}\n\nEmbeddings:\n{embeddings_result}\n\nQuery:\n{query}"}
The full script is too lengthy to include in this blog post, but you can find it here if you’d like to take a closer look. When I run it with a chatbot input like "The AHU02 isn’t cooling, I need help!", it generates a reasonably good response, demonstrating the potential of this fast prototyping approach.
To recap the process:
Run the script: The script starts by preparing the building summary which is given to the LLM for additional context purposes.
Further along in the process, we input our prompt—simulating a pretend chat interface for an AI-powered building operator assistant. For example, the user might ask, "The AHU02 isn’t cooling, I need help."
At this point, the vector store is queried to find the most relevant timeseries reference IDs associated with the prompt. These references, along with the building summary, provide the LLM with the necessary context to generate a helpful and targeted response.
The OpenAI API then generates a response, which typically includes multiple suggestions and a "final analysis." Interestingly, the response is fairly comprehensive—picking out the relevant timeseries references for AHU02 (even though there were quite a few). The advice it offers for troubleshooting is surprisingly decent, even though it amusingly doesn’t suggest verifying whether the chiller is running—something I’d consider a basic first step!
That said, the response still exceeds my expectations for a fast-prototyping tool. I’ve blogged extensively about ChatGPT’s advice in troubleshooting BAS (Building Automation Systems), and in my experience as a former BAS technician, its guidance on troubleshooting processes is exceptional. While it’s not designed for HVAC design or other specialized HVAC tasks where I lack experience, its performance in the domain of troubleshooting is impressive and promising.
Structured Building Diagnostics Reasoning:
"steps": [
"explanation": "The AHU02 operates with a cooling coil and no heating coil. The temperature sensors and control valves
are critical for diagnosing non-cooling issues in an AHU.",
"output": "AHU02 is supposed to be cooling but it's not."
"explanation": "Mixed air temperature helps identify if the air being supplied to the spaces is cool enough based on what the system expects from the outside and return air.",
"output": "Check the mixed air temperature readings from sensor ACAD.AHU.AHU02.Mixed_Air_Temp."
"explanation": "The cooling valve output sensor indicates whether the valve controlling chilled water (or another cooling medium) flow is being modulated correctly.",
"output": "Review the cooling valve output from sensor ACAD.AHU.AHU02.Cooling_Valve_Output."
"explanation": "CCV (Chilled/Cooling Coil Valve) is essential for delivering the right cooling capacity. If the valve is open and the coil isn’t cooling, there may be an issue with the chiller or supply system.",
"output": "Check ACAD.AHU.AHU02.CCV to confirm valve's command state."
"explanation": "If the outside air temperature is significantly lower than the mixed air temperature, and the system is unable to cool, there might be issues with the cooling mechanism or the mixing of return and outside air.",
"output": "Compare ACAD.AHU.AHU02.Outside_Air_Temp with mixed air temp."
"explanation": "Analyze the operational mode of AHU02 for proper operation. Incorrect modes may lead to inappropriate cooling action.",
"output": "Verify operational mode from ACAD.AHU.AHU02.Mode."
"final_analysis": "AHU02's failure to cool could be due to a problem with the cooling valve not opening, incorrect mixing of return and outside air, or the AHU operating in the wrong mode. Start by evaluating the cooling output readings and whether the cooling coil valve is functioning as expected. Additionally, ensure that the AHU02 mode is set correctly and not in heating or off mode erroneously."
So where are you going with all of this?
This concept does require some imagination, but could an AI-powered building operator assistant be a game-changer in the world of facilities management? From my perspective, coming from a controls contracting background, the answer is a resounding "yes."
In scenarios like school districts, it’s not uncommon for building operators to also serve as custodians, often with little to no HVAC or technical troubleshooting experience. When it comes to more complex concepts like Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), many building operators could benefit from guidance or support.
Given the right context or data injected into the LLM via the API query, the assistant can provide incredibly useful insights. It can act as a virtual expert, offering advice on troubleshooting, system performance, and even broader operational strategies. This could bridge the gap between the expertise required to maintain modern building systems and the skill level of operators, making facilities management more efficient and effective.
Other useful ideas...
Some buildings can be particularly problematic, especially during building startup. I remember, back when I used to set up controls, I would often find myself knocking on wood on my way to the job site, hoping the HVAC system was still running when I got there. It wasn’t uncommon for systems to trip overnight due to a fault, safety switch, or mechanical problem.
This raises an interesting question: Why couldn’t an LLM monitor the building overnight and provide a detailed report the next day? Unlike human operators, who need sleep and can’t feasibly monitor a system 24/7, an AI assistant could tirelessly watch the system, analyzing data in real time and identifying anomalies as they happen. Very few people are capable of pulling all-nighters just to monitor an HVAC system throughout the night—but I suppose there are a few out there crazy enough to try!
This kind of functionality would be especially valuable during building startups and for managing complex systems, where downtime can lead to significant delays and frustration. With an AI-powered assistant, facilities managers could wake up to a report summarizing the system's performance overnight, highlighting any potential issues before they escalate. It’s a task that’s nearly impossible for a human to perform but well within the capabilities of an AI assistant.
Questions for the LLM in the morning...
Anyone who’s worked in facilities management or as a controls technician knows the kind of questions that come up when you're responsible for keeping the HVAC system operational all night. A typical morning might start with questions from your supervisor like:
These questions highlight the endless scenarios where facilities management needs detailed, real-time and historical insights into system performance. It's not just about knowing what’s happening now—if something is broken, you need to know when it failed for effective troubleshooting. Typically, you only go back a few days, but why stop there?
Imagine extending this capability to other stakeholders, like the organization’s sustainability manager. For example, they could use the same AI-powered system to:
This system wouldn’t just serve as a troubleshooting assistant—it could also become a powerful tool for long-term energy analysis, optimization, and reporting. By combining historical timeseries data with LLM-powered analysis and visualization, such a system could address a wide range of operational and strategic needs in facilities management.
What about Fault Detection and Diagnostics?
Another idea I have in mind is creating a fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) minion to assist in FDD efforts. When someone is deeply immersed in FDD work, having an AI-powered assistant or "minion" could be a game-changer. For example, such a tool could:
In some systems, false positives can require extensive tuning, and figuring out why certain faults are incorrectly flagged often involves deep, time-consuming dives into the data. An LLM-powered assistant could assist in diagnosing these issues, and if it demonstrates strong performance in tuning FDD and addressing false positives, why not let the LLM take a more autonomous role?
Such an assistant could:
This level of autonomy would allow the assistant to not only identify and address issues but also continuously improve fault detection performance over time. By minimizing human intervention for routine tasks, the system could free up engineers to focus on more complex and strategic challenges.
HVAC design?
Although I don’t have an HVAC design background, I’m confident there are many potential use cases for LLMs in that field as well. For instance, if a firm has a large volume of design work, typically a senior-level engineer handles the "take-offs"—reviewing architectural plans and creating rough outlines for HVAC system sizing. This process is highly detail-oriented and could benefit greatly from LLM assistance.
An LLM could:
By streamlining both FDD and design efforts, LLMs have the potential to significantly reduce the workload for engineers and technicians, freeing them up to focus on higher-level tasks that require human expertise and intuition.
I personally think it would be amazing to have an AI-powered app that assists in operating buildings more effectively. However, in my experience, there are still caveats—LLMs aren’t quite there yet when it comes to generating picture-perfect Python scripts to extract data. Maybe someday they’ll get to that level, but for now, I prefer to provide the LLM with Python scripts I know work.
For example, during the setup process of such an app, Python scripts could be tested for tasks like extracting data, creating charts, or even handling edge environment applications. The possibilities are endless. For instance, we could use AI to screenshot the BAS alarm console periodically. I’ve already demonstrated that ChatGPT can understand an ordinary BAS alarm console screenshot and recognize its purpose.
In facilities management, especially in large organizations like universities or hospital networks, watching the BAS alarm console is often someone’s full-time job—monitoring alarms and notifying mechanics when something requires attention. AI could definitely assist in this process—not to replace jobs, but to enhance efficiency and accuracy.
In a building operator assistant app, I think the real power of AI in this space lies in the edge environment, where it could become fully autonomous. Imagine this: a building operator faces an issue with a piece of equipment, and the database doesn’t match the values on the BAS graphics they’re viewing. Why not have AI perform a BACnet read request to verify the sensor value directly?
I think the Python BACnet stack—particularly Joel Bender bacpypes3 project—works exceptionally well. What gives me confidence is knowing that I can provide the LLM with the correct script for the specific task at hand. By leveraging a reliable BACnet stack like bacpypes3, the LLM can execute tasks more effectively, whether it’s reading data, writing commands, or performing diagnostics on a BAS network.
What I don’t trust, however, is having the LLM generate the BACnet script itself, as it will most likely get it wrong. This approach feels more semi-autonomous—with human-provided guide rails—where the LLM is allowed to perform only specific tasks (e.g., A, S, D) but is explicitly restricted from others (e.g., X, Y, Z). In other words, the LLM assists within boundaries set by the human, ensuring safety and reliability in HVAC operations.
As demonstrated so far, AI can generate scripts, and if those scripts run directly on the operating system in the edge environment, the AI could do far more than just analyze database values. It could:
This would provide deep insights into system performance and potential issues, bridging the gap between human operators and machine data.
It’s also important to look at what other industries are doing. In the IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) and manufacturing sectors, which share similarities with the BAS and smart building IoT space, these ideas are being actively explored. See this excellent article by Jacek Urbanowicz titled A Practical Use Case: Integrating a local LLM into an IIoT System. By learning from their advancements, the building management world can push AI toward even greater capabilities, enhancing both human decision-making and system autonomy.
Thanks for reading—these are exciting times, almost like the Wild West of technology! While I think the technology still has a way to go, there’s so much potential to harness what’s already here and now.
If OpenAI can generate plots from my CSV file, then why couldn’t an LLM do the same with my BAS data and help me troubleshoot? That capability, I believe, is already within reach—no need for future daydreaming. The tools are here; it’s just a matter of applying them effectively.
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Senior Engineering Fellow, Energy Solutions
3 个月With RAG I am expecting a lot of data anslysis will be automated soon for domain specific applications.