WAIT! WHAT THE %$#!*! (Or How to Use Disruption and Reframing in Ads Without Being Annoying)
Drew Eric Whitman, D.R.S.
Author of internationally acclaimed best-sellers "CA$HVERTISING" (Career Press)... "Brain Scripts for Sales Success" (McGraw-Hill)... "Cashvertising Online!" and "SMASHVERTISING!" (Red Wheel/Weiser).
Okay, so imagine this: you’re sitting there, sipping your mug of steaming coffee... checking your email... and then, out of nowhere, some guy in a giant rubber fish costume pops up, saying, “HEY YOU! Don’t float around aimlessly!”
You’re like, “Huh?” But then he adds, “Download our Swim-Like-A-Flounder app and find the best swimming spots near you!” And just like that, you go from confusion to curiosity.
That’s what I mean by Disruption and Reframe. It’s like hitting pause on someone’s brain and then slipping your message in between the cracks. The simple secret? Do it in a way that makes them think, “What was THAT all about?”
Ok, Drew... but how does it work?
Disruption is that moment of wait, what? It’s something unexpected that makes you perk up and pay attention, like seeing your boring algebra professor at a phonk concert.
But if you stop there, people just go, “Uh.... ok, that's weird,” and move on. The reframe is where you connect the dots and help their brains make sense for your brand or message. It’s the “AHA!” that turns confusion into understanding.
How to Make It Happen
A Real Example: IKEA’s “Lamp” Commercial
Remember the IKEA ad where a woman throws out her old lamp? It’s sitting by the curb in the rain, looking all sad. Melancholy piano music adds to the poor lamp's woes. Then, just when you’re feeling bad for this inanimate object, a guy walks up in the pouring rain... hair saturated and dripping... and says in a thick Swedish accent, “Many of you feel bad for this lamp. That is because you are crazy. The lamp has no feelings!”
BOOM! He reframes it by pointing out how ridiculous it is to feel sorry for a lamp, and then tells you to buy a new one for cheap at IKEA. It’s unexpected, funny, and gets the point across: IKEA’s stuff is affordable and you don’t need to cling to your old junk anymore. It’s disruption and reframing done to perfection! (Check it out here: https://youtu.be/dBqhIVyfsRg?si=OAVPuAeM--le8nFg)
Why It Works
People have seen it all before, so their brains are set to ignore 99% of ads. You’ve got to jolt them out of that routine... wake them up from their "daily hypnosis"... and then show them something worth their time. Disruption makes them stop, and the reframe gets your point across. If you nail both, you’re not just another ad—they’ll actually remember you.
So, What Now?
Next time you’re staring at a blank screen, think about what’s going to make someone stop and say, “Wait, what?” Then, how can you make that moment lead back to what you’re offering in a way that clicks?
Because when you get it right, your ad isn’t just seen... it’s remembered... and, more importantly... you raise the potential of it getting clicked. Result? Ka-ching!
There are SCORES of tested and proven techniques of advertising psychology that you can start using today... before your competition uses them against you! I wrote an entire book loaded with them. It's called "CASHVERTISING ONLINE." If you haven't already, check it out here: https://tinyurl.com/3vtaur2k Thank you! <HANDSHAKE> Drew