The wait is over - May 2018 Greenlee Clarion is here
Graphics - Gary Dillard

The wait is over - May 2018 Greenlee Clarion is here

Ladies and gentlemen – the wait is over. The May 2018 Greenlee Clarion is ready. The very best articles, the very latest news. And for you news hounds a scoop on page 1, followed by page after page of economic development activities and local progress. Section 2 is always the Greenlee Community Section – please take a close look.

This is a very busy time of the year – schools are planning graduation ceremonies, local governments are planning budgets – and Cinco de Mayo celebrations are happening this coming Saturday! Follow local news daily on our FaceBook Pages: The Greenlee Clarion & Growing Greenlee.

The WIC approved Clifton Farmer’s Market (at the Clifton Train Depot) is open now until 4pm or while supplies last. May 3 come and enjoy the new patio at Taqueria Sarap 701 N Coronado Blvd. open for Tacos at their new location in Clifton. May 4 is the Duncan Color Run – in the spirit of fun and color. Then Saturday May 5, get your bike and game face on – the American Legion Post 28 Poker Run & Cinco de Mayo Party starts at 8:30a.m. By 9 am you can stop at the Second Annual Spring Fling Vendor Fair at the Clifton Train Depot. The event is hosted by the MHS-CHS Alumni Association and is open until 5 pm. But don’t miss the Cinco de Mayo event in Morenci at DeGrazia Park from 3 – 7 pm.

This month’s edition of the Clarion is so full of news and great content we have expanded beyond our usual page count. The Economic Development section ought to drop your jaw. The Greenlee Community Section covers quality of life, community events calendar and matters of broad interest. Be sure to read the Public Works Road Crew schedule (p 12) especially for those who travel Ward Canyon or on Skyline.

The Clarion aim is to celebrate, educate and have fun. As always your feedback is welcome. (P.S. all previous issues can be read here.)

ákos Kovach, Economic Development Coordinator, Greenlee County, Arizona


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