Wade Mitzel: Leading with Compassion

Wade Mitzel: Leading with Compassion

When Wade Mitzel looks across the table at a prospective executive hire, of the dozens of questions he will ask, there’s one that will often reveal the most: How do you lead with compassion?

“It’s not a trick question,” said Mitzel, the chief operating officer of U of L Health, the University of Louisville’s health system. It’s a chance to “dig a little deeper” and afford the prospective hire a moment of introspection, Mitzel said.

“But it's something that, you know, really shows where they’re at, because we need more compassion in health care,” he told MSH CEO Oz Rashid on the “Hire Learning” podcast.

Mitzel believes leading with compassion is an essential trait for a safety-net health care system, which also happens to operate in one of America’s poorest and underserved regions.

“If you have a patient coming in—and in need at five o’clock—we will see you,” Mitzel added. “We have a strong mission, and a desire to bring compassion and hope to our communities.”

It’s a key ingredient to establishing what Mitzel terms a “culture of yes” across U of L Health’s more than 12,000 employees. The healthcare system, which was formed in 2019, operates seven hospitals, four medical centers, and more than 800 providers in Kentucky and southern Indiana.

Striving to build a distinct institutional ethos leads Mitzel to lean on his intuition in the hiring process after first determining whether they meet qualifications like necessary training and experience. Mitzel has spent more than 20 years in health care and began as the director of clinical operations at the University of Louisville in 2015.

“My goal is really to fill their (employees’) sense of purpose, no matter what position they're hiring for,” said Mitzel. “If I can have a person do a role that feels like they’re hitting their purpose, and they’re impacting the communities, they’re going to work harder and do a lot more for our system—and be happy and make a difference in the health of our patients.”

Listen to the podcast here! ?? Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ph/podcast/wade-mitzel-a-heart-for-healthcare-stewarding/id1642753155?i=1000603329776 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1CQCBmNBij44FEK8h2oXeu YouTube: https://youtu.be/stC86PvgqdA Special thanks to Wade Mitzel of UofL Health for joining us on the show. ???




