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Chris, what exactly is a Post Workout Meal?

So very simply, a post-workout meal is simply the meal you have shortly after a resistance training workout. Any meal you have within 2-3 hours after your workout would count as a post-workout meal.

Chris, what’s the point of a post workout meal?

Well a post workout meal has 2 main goals…

1. ???? ?????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????? that have been depleted during your workout. This helps keep you energised for the rest of day, provides your muscle with fuel for your next workouts, and can also help prevent muscle breakdown

2. ???? ???????????????? ?????????????? ????????????????s while decreasing protein breakdown.?Which is just the re-building process of repairing any damage caused by your workout. As well as putting your body in an anabolic state to now build muscle.


How do we set up our post workout nutrition in order to achieve these two goals optimally…

Let’s start with protein, after a workout protein will be the most important macronutrient you’ll want to include in your post-workout meal. This is because it will be responsible for kick-starting muscle protein synthesis and the recovery and growth process for your muscles.

You’ll want to ensure you have a fast digesting protein source, my personal recommendation would be a whey or plant protein powder.

As for the best types of?protein sources?to include in your post-workout meal, you’ll want to ideally stick with?fast digesting protein sources.

As for the how much protein protein you should have…Mcnaughton et al, (2016) concluded that 20g of Protein provides near maximal muscle protein synthesis post workout however, 40g of protein boosts MPS by 20% so for post workout aim to get between 20g-40g of protein in.

Now on to carbohydrates…carbs will mainly serve to replenish any muscle glycogen that’s been depleted from your workout. This will serve to improve your performance and energy levels for your next workout.

In fact, Ivy (2007) concluded;

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As for the best types of carbs to include, you’ll want to ideally stick to high glycemic index carbs. This is because high GI carb sources?have been shown?to provide the most rapid increase in muscle glycogen following intense exercise and when compared to lower glycemic index carbs (Burke et al, 1993)

For the amount, aim to have 20-30% of your daily carbohydrate intake in your post workout meal

And lastly, lets discuss fats…

Research on the effectiveness of adding fats to your post workout meal are unclear is relatively unclear. However, we?do?know that adding fats to a post-workout meal does not further boost protein synthesis…but certain types may actually?delay the digestion?of carbohydrates. Therefore, it is best to keep fats out of a post workout meal.

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Your post workout meal should include 20-40g of fast digesting protein which 20-30% of you daily carbohydrate allowance through a high glycemic carbohydrate.?

To find out more on Post Workout Nutrition, Listen to the latest episode of the Shred with Science Podcast



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