The Wacky Space Theory
Grant Ashington
Crafting Bespoke Wooden Furniture & Outdoor Projects | Empowering Clients with DIY Skills | Transforming Spaces in Hebden Bridge, Todmorden, Littleborough, and into Rochdale.
I wrote a letter and addressed it to a hero of mine Professor Brian Cox earlier this year. I developed a space theory but having zero qualification in this field I kind of expected it to be absolute rubbish. But one never knows, lol and so I sent the letter on. I've never herd any news back and so guess my thoughts were right. That all being said, it still makes sense to me and keeps on developing "inside my head", lol. On the off chance that I'm onto something I'm of the view that it's worth sharing. I've decided to leave the letter in the original format.
Dear Professor Cox,
I realise that the theory I’m proposing might take up your valuable time and I hope you enjoy this time, however if that effort comes to naught, please know that is not my intention.
?Your inquisitive nature of looking beyond your own knowledge has inspired me to seek out answers to some big questions, however my views come from a layman’s point of view. I’m not a mathematician, in fact I only passed my South African matric exams at 18 years old with a ‘pass mark’ in functional Mathematics, hence my theory is not in mathematical format, lol. To pass a functional Math test all you need to do is write your name, lol, so I’m just saying Math is not my strong point.
These few pages have taken me years to understand, test, evaluate, and draw my own conclusions. The language I use to describe this theory changes and morphs as I write it. Therefore, I often come back and change the words to mean the same thing as they do later in this document. I may have missed a few of these alterations along the way, lol. If left to my own devises, this document would grow arms and legs, lol.
Before I head off into cloud coo-coo land I’d like to add that even if my theory is complete non-sense, it’s been a cathartic process to pass this mess on.
Thank you for your time.
I believe there is a new ‘mathematical’ language, English. Generations of humans have been bread to understand physics and dynamics on a fundamental mathematical level, it's my view that this extreme focus prevents the mind from ‘seeing’ theories in a completely different way, to those that are already understood. I have absolutely zero mathematical ability, almost to the level of embarrassment, however your programs and specifically the ‘English language’ you use, has enabled me to verbalize what I see without the need for mathematical language. I think there to be a lot of individuals who can’t ‘speak’ mathematical language but completely understand your language. From this point of view, for me, you are a pioneer and my hero.
The first time I saw the map of our universe, it was a light bulb moment, I could see endless possibilities. A dilemma for me was that the matter between matter was labeled as ‘matter’ or rather anti-matter. I think of Dark Matter as a force, a force that behaves like the inside of a black hole. This got me thinking that in place of considering Dark Matter to be some alternate variation of matter, think rather of Dark Matter as a gargantuan empty existing and non-existing void.
My first thoughts were around trying to understand dark matter in relationship to the constant (I understand the constant to be the speed of light). It is my understanding that Einstein thought that if a person were able to travel faster than light, they would pass by themselves and look back at themselves as themselves in the past. I imagine the substance that Einstein’s theory travels through to be A Translucent Super Dense Vacuum Void (TSDVV) or as commonly known Dark Matter.
Imagine a massive balloon filled with a Translucent Super Dense Vacuum Void (TSDVV), let’s say for argument’s sake the same substance produced as a by-product from a black hole. If you could look from one point of the outer edge through the ‘skin/membrane’ to a point on the opposite inside edge, due to the intense vacuum, there is no ‘discernable space’ between these two points as the points are both individual and one-in-the-same) and hence no distance (well not distance as we perceive it). I suppose that due to this phenomenon one could think of the two points being folded and thus in direct contact. My view is that under these circumstances matter could pass through from one point to the other without experiencing what we perceive as distance or time. The relationship between one point of the outer skin of the ‘Dark Matter’ webbed inflated balloon animal and another point are by default, fully connected.
To my minds eye there is no space between the areas that make up our Space Time Fabric’. In other words, the areas of the universe that we call ‘Dark Matter’ are in fact an unnamed force. This force is the most powerful, we call the parts of this force that we see black holes.
?Black hole are tears in the fabric of space, they consume all matter/light, but what powers these intense and sustained vacuums? Could it be, that a super massive vacuum void filling all areas of what we think to be dark matter, can be fractured? There are fractures (mouths), when they appear ‘on the skin of the dark matter balloon’ they consume all.
A fold in space in my mind’s eye isn’t a fold persay but rather think of it as a single point on the inside wall of the animal balloon like entity that is simultaneously connected to every other point on the inside surface of that animal balloon like entity, obviously this includes fissures (Black Holes).
The ‘skin’ or ‘membrane’ of the TSDVV includes both an inner and outer layer forming an impenetrable crust between our Space Time Fabric ‘atmosphere’ and The TSDVV’s ‘atmosphere’.
The space between the two layers is ‘occupied’ by neither space time fabric nor the TSDVV’s atmosphere, a crust with a soft centre if you will, between two non-compatible super vacuum voids – the TSDVV is beyond a vacuum or in other words, less than less. This difference in vacuum keeps them separated.
A fisher appears in the skin of our ‘space fabric’ that we see as dark matter (this allows us to see a glimpse of what the other vacuum void looks like. A funnel (vortex) forms joining the upper and inner layers of the vacuum and thus the inner vacuum would consume what we think of as the fabric of space if they were to touch. The 5th dimension is a vacuum beyond our reckoning that will devour our space fabric in an instance however it’s the balloon skin that keeps the universe moving and wriggling through (the super massive vacuum void) like an ever expanding worm, a worm that expands because of the ‘pressure’ created by the super massive vacuum void. Pressure being a word I’m using to describe the differences between these incompatible atmospheres.
Although I describe a funnel ‘tube’ joining these two atmospheres the reality is that there is no conceivable or perceivable distance between the two layers, in fact from my minds eyes perspective, I imagine the ability to move through a pain of glass (or the walls holding a see through substance we call, Glass (this being both a good and bad analogy), and while doing so observing the crossover, one would see a slight shimmer as one passes past the outer skin then an open never ending ‘circular’ void. Naturally when you pass through the other side of the void in the case of the double-variant vacuum atmospheres this ‘line’ is undesirable almost to the point of not existing.
?If we could observe two atmospheres ‘in the same bucket’ they would continuously twist and curving around each other (this may appear from a certain point of view as an ever-expanding Universe).
There is no multi-verse. The TSDVV connects and disconnects every part of our known Universe, as a single space time fabric ‘mass’.
It may be easier to copy down from my notes: I believe that we can move through folded space however unlike requiring a wormhole, or looking like a folded book, my theory considers that there is no discernible wormhole formation, folded space doesn’t exist inside the TSDVV it exists because of the properties of the TSDVV. A little like the young boy in The Matrix Movie, telling Neon that in order to bend the spoon he must first understand that the spoon does not exist. If I were to adjust that ‘tip’ slightly, I would add that the spoon both exists and does not exist at exactly the same time, but not in the same atmosphere.
We have a map of the Universe and within that atmosphere we can discern ‘dark matter’. We don’t need to spend time understanding what this TSDVV Force is, but rather accept that our Space Time Fabric Vacuum and the TSDVV will never mix, both are vacuums but of a completely different Nature. Nature being the appropriate word; beauty beyond comprehension and violence beyond imagination. It in in this atmospheres nature to consume all.
My wacky theory: The Universe is not as big as we have observed it to be | Dark Matter is a Translucent Super Dense Vacuum Void (TSDVV) | Any given point on the (inner/outer) ‘surface’ of the TSDVV is both disconnected and connected to every other point of the TSDVV simultaneously | If observed, wormholes take on the form of black holes, in other words, a flat disc | Humanity can access every part of our Universe | The TSDVV exists in the form of a giant fluid lava lamp like substance intricately woven between the Stars within each Galaxy (i.e. it’s everywhere) | Our understanding of how to measure distance in our space time fabric dimension does not apply in the TSDVV | Point to point jumping through the TSDVV can be predicted | Traveling through the TSDVV is indiscernible in terms of a measurable dimension or Vacuum | Matter moves through the TSDVV like neutrinos pass through the earth | The TSDVV is a Force | There are only two dimensions; Space Time Fabric and TSDVV | Matter can only exist in Space Time Fabric | Space Time Fabric and the TSDVV are polar Vacuum Void Variants | There can never be a Matter/Anti-Matter annihilation event | It’s not possible for the two vacuum atmospheres to occupy the same ‘space time fabric atmosphere’ | Anti-Matter is a Translucent Super Massive Vacuum Void, and not matter of any kind | Black holes are wormhole fishers between the ‘external’ and ‘internal’ ‘skin/membrane’ of the TSDVV space time fabric | The TSDVV is the reason our space time fabric dimension exists in its form i.e. neither can live where the other survives however in a symbiotic relationship however in adding complexity to this strange relationship, neither can survive without the other | The TSDVV distorts distance like space time fabric distorts light.
Looking over the event horizon of a Super Massive Black Hole/Black Hole is like peering into an endless abyss (One is looking at an infinitesimally small fissure in the TSDVV space time fabric) it terms of ‘disc thinness’, like a Neutrino. ‘Observed in motion’ from the side, Black holes are tubular vortex like structure that reach down from the outer layer of the TSDVV fabric toward the inner layer, but the outer and inner layers never touch, they can’t. Black Hole birth events send ‘shock waves’ across our space time fabric.
Matter on a ‘massive’ ‘scale’ cannot pass into a Black Hole as the two dimensions can’t mix, that said they are intermingled across our Universe. When our space time fabric is forced into ‘perpetual’ contact with the TSDVV via a fissure event (Birth of a Super Massive Black Hole) like water running down a plug hole visible matter occupies the ‘space’ between the TSDVV’s inner and outer layer.
Place an inflated molten lava lamp liquid balloon like structure in a room suspended between two walls. Now imagine that the ‘distance’ between the two points inside that balloon were obscured in the most peculiar manner so much so that ‘distance’ as we know it did not exist. The true ‘distance’ across this space is point A to the balloon wall and from the opposite balloon wall to point B. In this analogy, the measurable distances are ‘space time fabric’ and the TSDVV the balloon. Distances measured in Light Years across Space Time Fabric include TSDVVs.
The ‘Distance’ that we ‘Observe and Measure’ in Light Years specific to our Space Time Fabric dimension, does not exist inside the TSDVV.
We both see (measured distance in both ultraviolet and infrared spectrums) and see through (Light Speed) the dimension occupied by the TSDVV, hence when we peer (Hubble) across our Universe the distances we travel are vast. Although I would tend to agree that the deeper you peer into the stars the further back in time you see, I think when we take another look the ‘images’ we see will not be as far away as Measured in Light Speed. Remove TSDVV voids and our space time fabric occupies a fraction of what we observe. Our Universe does not exist because of the TSDVV but neither will it thrive without the TSDVV, think ‘Yin and Yang’ on a monumental scale.
Director @ PROPERTY REVOLUTIONS LIMITED | design, project management, retrofit
3 年Hi Grant, long time since we spoke. would be good to have a catch up at some point?? ( I can explain the procrastination by the way.. spent a lot of time thinking about it recently _nope that isnt a little humorous response . I know where you are coming from!) cheers Carl
Marketing-savvy Graphic Designer & Photographer | Galloping towards a cause: empowering equine rescue & animal advocacy
3 年I can relate immensely! I have only recently begun understanding that I have a threshold for stress, that when I pass that limit, is when I get overwhelmed & find myself procrastinating as well in the same exact way. By that point, I become virtually unable to accomplish anything at all. I have realized that this explains every single struggle throughout childhood, into college & adulting. Now I know how to recognize when I’m beginning to feel overwhelmed. It sneaks up on me and I didn’t always know that I was stressing before now! So, for me it is just coping with stress, maybe it’s my minds’ way of forcing me to take a breather regardless of how important a task truly is. My mental health comes first ??