Dirty ol’ Donnie Trump gets some hookers
For extreme watersports to defile O’s
Bed when he was in Moscow. Bovine. Moo(n).
Trump recoiled from the story citing germaphobia
And an awareness of the ubiquity of cameras, but we know
The old kook commanded a few Cleveland Steamers
To finish the black mass with a knock on a blue county.
“COPS: Black Teen Behind ‘KoolkidsKlanKkk’ Account
Threatening Black Students . . .”
Biden surprised by Presidential Medal of Freedom.
The Rusty Patched Bumble Bee is now on
The Endangered Species list.
Babies made via skin cells (and sperm) and no mother
Will be here sooner than you think . . .
12-year-old girl streams suicide on Facebook.
She had been abused by a relative.
Now cops having trouble taking it down.
“Live Video Grows as Platform to Broadcast Violence . . .”
More Florida fun as a man uses msgs to his wife’s FB page
To try to give the illusion she was still alive.
He’s charged with domestic battery by strangulation
And second-degree murder . . .
Woman lives with body of decomposing sister
In Brookline mansion for over a year.
In Harlem, a 12-year-old demanded a Chicken McNugget
At gun-point from a classmate. He tried again days later
Following her to a train platform, pressing it to the girl’s head.
She slapped the gun away and told him to leave her alone.
Later, he was taken in by police after the girl’s story.
In Britain, mysterious fireball seen shooting overhead.
Japanese scientists says silicon
The most probable material at the Earth’s core.
A 6’3’’ 1,000 pound Pakistani man wants to be Earth’s
Strongest, join WWE, ya know, the “Arts”
Since the winners and losers are predetermined.
“Scientists hear voice of ancient humans in baboon calls.”
I, Tiresias of the swollen dugs
Pronounce that’s “all the news that’s fit to print.”