Alan Coombs
Managing Director of DETOPO Ltd Professional Topographic & Measured Building Surveys
Sorting out 'Newish' LEICA equipment and getting the NEW COMPANY all set for a busy week next week as works starting to come in. Haven't you heard? We are a NEW Topographic & Measured Building Survey company based in Macclesfield, CHESHIRE.
See W0T LIES BENEATH ..... Cleaning one of our standard LEICA total station red storage boxes and decided to DIG DEEPER and once I'd had a stiff drink and built up some resolve, I removed the black inner lining therein. After popping out the rear hinges I discovered this DEBRIS below - unfortunately (for me), no mislaid LOTTO ticket, hidden treasure maps OR antiquarian survey notes, but just dry loose dirt, 7 items of vegetation (genus unknown) & nada.
However, if you zoom in some more you can just make out the face of the LAST OF THE MOHICANS smoking a CIGAR – perhaps other surveyors could try this too (It's probably long overdue a clean!) and see WHAT YOU TURN UP? Please let me know – There may be a pattern (Like in Se7en OR the Enigma Code) :)
#Topomeplease #MBSmeplease #Bradpitt #Danbrown #Readmyfutureinthetealeaves