January 19, 2022


Schools across the country are pulling Out All The Stops to try and say open amid winter's omicron surge. One country in California is turning to a band of unlikely heroes: volunteer parents. Some 700 parents in Palo Alto are picking u all kinds of jobs, from serving food to cleaning and security, to fill in the gaps for sick staff members. Parents are "desperate' and one principal says the efforts are helping "boost morale.'' The Wall Street Journal notes the wealthy area is inhabited largely by professionals working from home, ''which makes it easier for them to volunteer.'' Our school have no asked us to volunteer.. yet. If asked, I would do it in a heartbeat if it meant they could stay open and our kiddos could continue to learn and spend time connecting with friends and other people outside our home.

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ABORTION AND THE CULTURE OF DEATH by Haywood Robinson pg 22 DECISION April 2021

"Follow the science." Easy enough, right?

This phrase has always served to point people to the truth of a matter. We have used it for years to help explain situations or phenomena that may not have been so clear-cut. However, in recent years, it has become less of a means to point people to truth and more of a way to further a personal or even political agenda.

The phrase is becoming increasingly popular. Some days you can find it trending on Twitter, and we've seen it crop up this past year as we've dealt with the coronavirus outbreak.

But although our government may want to follow the science when it kcomes to COVID-19, it seems that this phrase is only applied when it is convenient. When it comes to matters like abortion, gender identification and the created order, suddenly science is nowhere to be found.

But science leans heavily in favor of God's reveled truth on these issues. For example, those who advocate for abortion often refer to preborn children simply as a fetus, an embryo or a "glob of tissue." However, if we follow the science, we see that when a human sperm fertilizes and egg, the result is the development of another human. This starts with a one-cell organism that grows and develops for approximately 40 weeks to become a full-term infant inside the womb. The psalmist recognized this when he said, "You knitted me together in my mother womb" (Psalm 139:13). What started as one cell becomes trillions, and once fully grown, that fetus is delivered and brought into the world-revealing a living, breathing child. While several stages and factors occur during the 40 weeks of gestation, it is safe to say that the beginning of this process is the beginning of life itself. Abortion stops that process. For years our culture has ignored or dismissed science by performing abortions.

Yet, to cite a high-profile example, inmate Scott Peterson is on death row for murdering his pregnant wife AND the baby in her womb. This is a prime example of the "abortion distortion"-double-minded, hypocritical thinking that wants to have thins both ways. The value of the preborn human is only recognized when it is convenient for a particular situation. But the fact remains: If we believe killing a human being is wrong, then abortion is wrong.

The Hippocratic Oath, written by the Greek physician almost 2,500 years ago, includes a long - held corollary in the phrase PRIMUM NON NOCERE, which means, "first, do no harm."

Abortion always causes harm. It kills the baby, and the mother can suffer from a host of complications, physically and psychologically: injury to the uterus, hemorrhage, infertility, depression, PTSD, substance abuse, suicide and possibly death, to name a few. Women never forget their abortion. It's horrific assault. Abortion violates simple precepts of human biology. It's not natural or normal for a woman to want to harm her child. It's as simple as that.

The chaos, rebellion, anarchy, and moral and ethical decline we're experiencing are associated symptoms of our death culture. What we are witnessing is not political or social, it's spiritual. Satan is simply doing his routine acts of stealing, killing and destroying. And let me add a note about the disparity of abortion among black women. Our spiritual enemy, with the abortion industry at his disposal, is especially destructive in minority communities. African Americans make up only 13% of the U. S. population, but 39% of abortions involve black women.

Abortion advocates would have us believe that abortion is sometimes medically necessary. We hear this repeated so often it's treated as irrefutable. There are clinical situations when a mother has a disease that may threaten her life; for example, toxemia / pre-clampsia. The only cure for this problem is delivery of the baby. However, the goal is to wait long enough for the baby to mature to a gestational age at which he or she has a reasonable chance for survival. This is about 24 weeks. If a baby is less than viable age, and mothr's disease cannot be controlled and her life is threatened, an early delivery is performed to save the mother's life and hopefully the child's life also. The child's life may be lost in a premature or early delivery like this, but there is no intent to kill. The key word is Intent-which should always be to preserve life.

Unfortunately, I performed abortions before Jesus saved me. Not only did I kill babies and harm mothers, I desensitized and dehumanized them. And I, too, became desensitized and dehumanized.

As an abortionist, my entire psyche and rationale became corrupted. When I was first exposed to abortion, there was a certain "cerebral queasiness" or hesitation, but that was quickly eroded. It's easy to become engulfed and assimilated into the death culture. What was once unthinkable and detestable becomes normal and commonplace.

Abortion is a tangled web of spiritual, scientific, medical and political nuances, but the bottom line is spiritual.

We, the church, hold the ultimate key. The Bible says, "Judgment begins in the house of God" (Cf. 1 Peter 4:17). Second Chronicles 7:14 outlines our solution. It would be in humanity's best interest that we "turn from our wicked ways," and that we, and not He, stop holocaust.

Yes, life begins at conception. Our DNA is set at conception; and that DNA, along with instructions for every part of who we are, also assigns us a given sex - male or female. Genesis 1:27 says, "In the image of God He created him: male and female He created them."

The cultural aberration of transgenderism is covered in the article on page 24, {DECISION April 2021 addition}but as a medical doctors, let me say that one's given sex cannot be changed, no matter how much one gender tries to adhere to the other's looks and norms. This should be medical malpractice; it does not "follow the science."

There are other significant life-threatening and psychological factors of note. Transgender individuals experience about three times the incidence of anxiety and depression when compared to their nontransgender counterparts. In addition, a large number of them later reassign to their birth gender.

We can't change who we are This is a betrayal of the pubic's trust in the medical profession. We didn't "follow the science." We endorsed the thinking that a person can change their gender by simply looking and dressing like the desired gender.

It is also a slap in the face to the Father, who created us in His image. We honor God when we believe in Him and the science He so painstakingly provided for us in order to understand this life, and when we use what He has given us to further His Kingdom.



M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte??[AMARE]


Sylvia Bonaparte






code: 1927889

Dr. Brian Dixon [ Tri Synergizer ]


Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte????????


Sylvia Bonaparte

Business strategist, Entrepreneur

2 年

READ: 6/23/2022 Spiritual Practices for Students — and For Us By Linda J. Leon, Malone University A pattern emerged as I talked with students during Spring 2020 stay-at-home orders. They were reeling with anxiety because they had been unexpectedly disconnected from people and places. Scrambling to make meaning out of this life shift, they longed for hope and direction. One student’s text mournfully described her off-campus isolation: Although quarantine meant that people and places would be limited, spiritual practices could offer peace in the midst of unrest. And a key was to connect students to spiritual practices in a readily understandable way. The biblical ideas of peace and self-care seemed to be a common language that most — whether they were Christ-followers or not — could lean into. As I walked students through spiritual practices, I noticed that they’d quickly identify one as a good fit. It was key for me to listen and understand their personal experience, reflect back what they were feeling, and then suggest practices that could provide them with peace. Through these disciplines, the Holy Spirit transforms us, lovingly leading us through life change.

Sylvia Bonaparte

Business strategist, Entrepreneur

3 年

READ: 3/14/2022 BODY AND SOUL THE ROLE OF OMEGA - 3 IN HEALTH AND LONGEVITY by Kenneth H. Cooper, M.D. MPH At Cooper Clinic, we have been monitoring the blood level of vitamin D in our patients since 2013 ( a sampling of 45,827 people). And we have seen that vitamin D deficiency plays a significant role in COVID - 19 infections, particularly in people of color. But another important level we have measured even longer is blood levels of omega - 3 (71,600 people). Speaking of the importance of omega - 3 and fish consumption in our diets, remember how the disciples answered Jesus regarding the feeding of the 5,000 in Luke 9:13: ''But we have only five loaves of bread and two fish,' they answered'' ... And you know the rest of the story. Was this just coincidental, or was Jesus promoting the consumption of fish? I admit that I'd like to think the latter. we know that omega - 3 has some unusual characteristics. It is an analgesic (helps control pain), anti-inflammatory ( reduces infection), anticoagulant (reduces infection), anticoagulant ( reduces infection), anticoagulant ( reduces blood clotting) and has been approved by the FDA as a means of lowering triglycerides ( one of the bad fats in our blood). Other potential benefits are that it fights depression and anxiety, improves eye health and also promotes brain health during pregnancy and early life. Of obese mothers who enter pregnancy with a deficiency of omega - 3, up to 10% will develop gestational diabetes - and if they do, their offspring are at future risk for obesity and diabetes. A clinical trial is just starting at my alma mater, the University of Oklahoma School of Medicine, looking to see whether omega - 3 fatty acids can correct this problem. But still, the primary driver for contracting gestational diabetes is obesity, accounting for greater than 80% of cases. The medical literature shows that China has the highest consumption of fish per capita of any country in the world. The United States consumption is considerable less. And, in China, the death rate for cardiovascular disease is 128 / 100,000 per year versus 161/ 100, 000 per year in the U.S. That is highly significant, considering the differences in health care quality in the two countries Omega - 3 also can improve risk factors for heart disease, including lowering blood pressure levels and, as I stated, lowering triglycerides, which may increase the good, or HDL, cholesterol levels. Another important benefit is that omega - 3 can improve mental disorders, including mood swings and relapses in people with both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. It has been documented that people with mental disorders often have low blood levels of omega - 3. It may be a factor in reducing mental decline in Alzheimer's and may even prevent deaths from cancer. In one study published in SciTech Daily on June 11, it was discovered that one important component of omega - 3 is DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). In this study, it appears that DHA may act like a poison on tumor cells. "The greater the amount of unsaturated fatty acids in the cell, the greater the risk' of tumor cell death. This Universite' catholique de Louvain study recommends 250 mg of DHA per day. Studies show our diet provides, on average, between 50 - 100 mg of DHA per day so supplementation is necessary. Omega - 3 may even improve sleep, which is of great importance to achieving optimum health, particularly in conditions such as Alzheimer's disease. I take two (1,400 mg) advanced omega - 3 soft-gels twice a day - two at breakfast and two with dinner (which provides a total of 1,440 mg EPA [eicosapentaenoic acid] and 960 DHA). This keeps my omega - 3 blood level around 10 or 11%. I also eat fish several times a week, preferably salmon. Another reason I take omega - 3 is because of its analgesic property. After fracturing my leg in 2004 while snow skiing, I find I have pain if I don't take this level of omega - 3 daily. A study from Harvard Medical School (VITAL trial) followed 25,871 healthy adults who were racially diverse and chosen to be representative of the general population, according to the author Dr. JoAnn Manson. Although a 1 - gram daily omega - 3 supplement did not significantly reduce major cardiovascular events overall, there was a 28% reduction in heart attacks and promising signs for other heart - related endpoints. While the supplement did not seem to protect most healthy people against further heart problems, certain groups did appear to benefit, particularly people who ate less than 1.5 servings of fish per week or no fish consumption at all. For these people, there was a significant 19% reduction in the primary endpoint of major cardiovascular events, with 40% reduction in heart attacks, says Dr. Manson. We know the desired blood level of omega - 3 is 8%, and preferably higher, and for the majority of first - time Cooper Clinic patients, the average is only 6.5%. Follow-up studies have shown some slight improvement. For me, my higher blood level of omega 3 is probably a factor in keeping my triglycerides at an excellent level of 32. Equally as interesting is work coming from Dr. William Harris at the University of South Dakota's Sanford School of Medicine. In 2021, he published a paper on omega - 3 and all - cause mortality showing that a high omega - 3 index is at least associated with a lower risk of death from a pooled analysis of 17 prospective cohort studies in which they examined the association between blood level of omega - 3 fatty acids and risk for all - cause mortality. Over a median of 15 years follow - up, 15,720 deaths occurred among 42,416 individuals. After adjustment for relative risk factors, risk of death from all-cause was significantly lower (by 15-18%) in the highest versus the lowest quintile, suggesting that higher levels of marine omega-3 may be associated with a lower risk of premature death. Another small pilot study from Dr. Harris published this year looked at omega - 3 blood levels and deaths from COVID-19. Although not meeting the classical criteria for statistical significance, this strong trend suggests that a relationship may indeed exist, but additional larger studies are clearly needed. Our recent study at The Cooper Institute completely disproved that omega-3 might actually increase the risk of prostate cancer, which was being discussed in the medical literature. In fact, it may be protective against not only prostate cancer but also colon and breast cancer (although not all studies show the same results). One final observation is that omega - 3 is a proven way to lower the harmful effects of chronic inflammation, which is the cause of myriad chronic diseases including Alzheimer's disease and dementia, which I will discuss in a future issue of Decision. Christ's example of feeding fish to the 5,000 could have begun the strong recommendation we have now for eating fish and / or taking omega - 3 supplements for their multiple health benefits! LinkedIn: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/sylvia-bonaparte-b1b465166 M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte [AMARE] https://www.strategist-curiosity.com Amare: www.myamareglobal.com/46719 www.amarehempgbx.com/?rwpid=46719 Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????? #FollowMefourFollowback @Follow4Followback @ Sylvia Bonaparte

Sylvia Bonaparte

Business strategist, Entrepreneur

3 年

READ: 3/12/2022 Bible Study GOD IS Active IN THE DARK When she was little, one of my granddaughters was afraid of the dark. She needed a night-light on in her room, or the hall light on with her door cracked open, in order to fall asleep. The dark made her feel insecure and apprehensive. Because there are less distractions in the dark, her imagination seemed to take off so that her fears loomed larger. As our world seems to grow darker and darker and darker, devoid of the light of truth and justice and righteousness ... devoid of faith in God ... many of us, like my granddaughter, are also afraid of the dark. Not the dark of night, but the dark times in life when pressures, problems, pain and even persecution envelope us in a fog of fear, confusion or depression - those spiritually dark times when God seems far away. If you are one of those presently experiencing darkness, and the fear that can often come with it, I want to encourage you. God is active in the dark! ********** GOD IS PRESENT IN THE DARKNESS > What is the current darkness that you are experiencing? > What comfort or encouragement do you receive from the following verses? Write out the specific phrases, then explain in your own words why they are meaningful. Genesis 1:2; Exodus 20:21; 1 Kings 8:12; Psalm 23:4; 97:2; 139: 11-12. > Who do you know that is afraid of the "dark?" Which of these verses will you share with him or her? > What are some of the treasures to be found in the darkness? See Isaiah 45:3; Psalm 63:6 - 8; Dexodus 16:10; Mark 9:7 ********* GOD CHANGES THINGS IN THE DARKNESS > Describe the change in the Israelites' circumstances that took place at night, in Exodus 14:19 - 22. For the full context, see Exodus 14: 1 -31 > What seems to be blocking your path? Could God be removing it in the darkness? How did God's relationship with people change radically one night? Se Luke 2: 1- 15. > Describe the change that the shepherds witnessed firsthand. Read Luke 2:16 - 20 with Philippians 2: 5-7. > I God entered time and space as a baby at night, why do you thin He can't enter into your darkness, bringing peace and joy? > Comparing John 20:20 with Luke 24: 1 - 8, describe the history - splitting change that took place at night. > How is this historic change still causing change today? Ephesians 1:19 -23; Romans 10: 9-10; 8:5 - 12. > From the following verses, describe the changes that took place at night. Daniel 6:16 - 22; Acts 12:5-11; 16:22 -34. > What "prisons" holds you captive? What binds or hinders you from serving God? Could God now be at work to set you free even though you see no outward evidence? ********** GOD SPEAKS IN THE DARKNESS > Read Genesis 27: 41-28: 22. Describe Jacob's circumstances as well as what his emotional state could have been in Genesis 28:11. > How did his circumstances remain somewhat the same, but his emotional and spiritual state change during the night? What brought about the change? > How did God change Samuel one night from a boy to a prophet? What was the key to the change? See 1 Samuel 3: 1 - 21. > What would Samuel have missed if he had refused to get up at night to listen to God's Word because he was too tired? > Is it possible that you would discover more of your life's purpose if you spent time reading your Bible in the night, either in the midst of your difficult circumstances, or in the literal night as you stay up later or rise earlier in order to spend time with Him? > What radical truth did Nicodemus learn when Jesus talked to him at night? Read John 3: 1 - 8 > When was the last time you "heard" God's voice, either during the night, or when you were going through a difficult time? > Why do you think God speaks to us in the darkness? LinkedIn: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/sylvia-bonaparte-b1b465166 M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte [AMARE] https://www.strategist-curiosity.com Amare: www.myamareglobal.com/46719 www.amarehempgbx.com/?rwpid=46719 For more information: Lifevantage: sylviab55.lifevantage.com code: 1927889? Dr. Brian Dixon [ Tri Synergizer ] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrlavVDlCKA? Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????? #FollowMefourFollowback @Follow4Followback @ Sylvia Bonaparte

Sylvia Bonaparte

Business strategist, Entrepreneur

3 年

READ: 3/12/2022 SEVEN [7] WORST HABITS FOR YOUR BRAIN Bad choices and everyday missteps could be harming your cognition. Here's how to combat several of them By Nicole Pajer BAD HABIT - You Don't have a Sense of Purpose Bosses, kids, spouses when we're younger, it seems like everyone is relying on us. But when we get older, freedom from those responsibilities can have a darker side as well. "Having a reason to get up in the morning, knowing that people are depending upon you, feeling that you are making important contributions can contribute to healthy aging," explains Scott Kaiser, M.D., a geriatrician at Providence Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica, California. Researchers at the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center in Chicago found an association in people who scored high on a purpose-in -life assessment: They were approximately 2.4 times more likely to remain Alzheimer's-free than those with low scores. If you're feeling a distinct lack of purpose, do your brain a huge favor by embracing some new responsibilities, says Carla Marie Manly, a clinical psychologist in Santa Rose, California. "Find a new opportunity by using the time and energy not spent on child-rearing or working to get a pet, explore a passion project, volunteer or travel," she says. SIX [6] WORST HABITS FOR YOUR BRAIN BAD HABIT - You Regularly Take This Type of Medicine A wide array of drugs including tricyclic antidepressants, some overactive bladder medications and some over-the-counter antihistamines - can block the actions of acetrylcholine, a brain chemical important for learning and memory. A study found that a higher cumulative use of these drugs was associated with increased incidence of dementia. If you regularly take a drug in one of these categories, don't panic, says Yuko Hara, director of aging and Alzheimer's prevention with the Alzheimer's drug Discovery Foundation. But if you regularly take a number to these, it makes sense to ask your doctor about the risk of anticholinergics and to discuss whether you should explore alternate medications or other options. FIVE [5] WORST HABITS FOR YOUR BRAIN BAD HABIT - You Crank Up Your Headphones If it's bad for your ears, it could very well be bad for your brain. In a study of 639 adults ages 36 to 90, mild hearing loss was associated with nearly twofold likelihood of dementia. As a rule, if someone else can hear sound from your earbuds, they're too loud, says Nicolas Reed, assistant professor at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. He also recommends carrying a pair of foam earplugs with you and using them at concerts or sporting events, and removing yourself from loud environments when possible. "If you are standing within 3 feet of someone and you can't hear them, the world around you is too loud," he says. FOUR [4] WORST HABITS FOR YOUR BRAIN BAD HABIT - You Have Unhealthy Sleep Habits Quality sleep is crucial to a sharp and productive mind, according to the Global Council on Brain Health. is one important marker of good quality sleep: Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Shift work, changing time zones, chronic stress and too much caffeine or alcohol can all throw off your rhythm. So, too, can sleeping in a room that's not cool or dark enough. And if you have symptoms of sleep apnea, such as snoring or daytime sleepiness, see a doctor. "Abnormalities in oxygen level can be damaging to nerve cells, which may accelerate over time and contribute to more memory and cognitive issues," says Alon Avidan, M. D., director of the sleep Disorders Center at the University of California, Los Angeles. THREE [3] WORST HABITS FOR YOUR BRAIN BAD HABIT - You Drink Sugary Beverages If your usual breakfast includes a tall glass of orange juice, take note. A 2017 study associated sugary beverage consumption with poorer episodic memory as well as lower total brain volume and hippocampal volume. So avoid soda and sweet tea, and take it easy on the juice. "Even though fruit juice retains some beneficial phytonutrients, it's primarily a sugary drink without the benefit of fiber," says Annie Fenn, M.D., the founder of Brain Health Kitchen, a cooking school and community for Alzheimer's prevention. Consuming sugary drinks may lead to spiking blood sugar and an exaggerated insulin response in many people, which, she says, may trigger chronic inflammation in the brain. It may be far better to eat whole fruits, not their juices: "A small orange provides 2.5 grams of fiber to balance its 9 grams of sugar," Fenn explains. "When you consume the equivalent amount of orange juice, the fiber has been strained out." TWO [2] WORST HABITS FOR YOUR BRAIN BAD HABIT - You Skip Your Vaccines It's estimated that more than half of Americans blew off the flu shot during the 2018 - 2019 flu season, and we know how many people are hesitant about getting the COVID - 19 vaccine. But opting out of vaccinations may be a missed opportunity in the fight against dementia. For people between ages 75 and 84, influenza vaccination was associated with a reduced likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease, according to research led by Paul Schulz, M. D., a neurologist at McGovern Medical School at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Huston. Other researchers have found that adults ages 65 to 75 who had received the pneumonia vaccination had a 25 to 30 percent reduction in their chance of developing Alzheimer's. ONE [1] WORST HABITS FOR YOUR BRAIN BAD HABIT - You Accentuate the Negative Ruminating on grudges, resentments and negative thoughts won't just keep you in a pessimistic mood; it has also been linked to decline in cognition and memory in people 55 and older, according to a study in the journal ALZheimer's & DEMentia. Participants who repeatedly dwelled on negative thoughts had more amyloid and tau deposits in their brain, the biological markers of Alzheimer's disease. Everyone engages in repetitive negative thinking to some degree. "It's part of the human experience, and not everyone will develop Alzheimer's, " says lead researcher and research psychologist Natalie Marchant. But it's also a changeable behavior, according to Patti Johnson, a psychologist in Los Angeles and creator of the anxiety relief app EmMa, the Emotional Manager for Anxiety. She suggests that, the next time you're overtaken by negative thoughts, you should: >> Make a List of five specific things that you are grateful for, and focus on those >> Take Some Deep Bell Breaths, try a new task or change your focus to something in your environment. >> Greet a Negative Thought when it pops up with "hello," then verbally tell it "goodbye." *** *** *** YOU ALREADY *** *** *** know that a bad diet and a permanent indentation on the couch aren't good for your brain. but there are some lesser-known daily routines that could be undermining your cognition, says Jessica Caldwell, a neuropsychologist and director of the Women's Alzheimer's Movement Prevention Center at the Cleveland Clinic. Altering just one of these habits could change how your brain works - and help you age healthier and better. And it's never too late to start: Even people with memory issues can benefit from altering harmful behaviors. *** *** *** YOU ALREADY *** *** *** LinkedIn: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/sylvia-bonaparte-b1b465166 M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte [AMARE] https://www.strategist-curiosity.com Amare: www.myamareglobal.com/46719 www.amarehempgbx.com/?rwpid=46719 For more information: Lifevantage: sylviab55.lifevantage.com code: 1927889? Dr. Brian Dixon [ Tri Synergizer ] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrlavVDlCKA ? Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????? #FollowMefourFollowback @Follow4Followback @ Sylvia Bonaparte

Sylvia Bonaparte

Business strategist, Entrepreneur

3 年

Reading: 1/6/2022 THE BEGINNING OF A GREAT GLOBAL AWAKENING *** How persecution and disasters tend to precede moves of God In Christian history there have been two great accelerants of the Great Commission: persecution and natural disasters. Today we are seeing a combination of both, and it may indicate that we are on the precipice of a great global awakening. It's always been this way. When people are confronted with the frailty of life, especially when shaken out of times of calm and prosperity, they often end up on their knees with their eyes toward Heaven, looking for answers. And when people are persecuted for their faith, it demonstrates something supernatural about their relationship with Jesus Christ to their neighbors. In other words, natural disasters shine a light on the love of the church, and persecution demonstrates the truth and power of the Gospel. Right now, we are seeing persecution of Christians on a scale unrealized before, at a time when our interconnected world is experiencing its first truly global natural disaster. In the past, on a much smaller scale, moments like these have been the prologue to millions awakening to the Gospel. Imagine what could happen this time, in our interconnected, digital age. WHEN PANDEMICS DEVASTATED THE ROMAN EMPIRE IN A. D. 165 AND 250, Christians met the obligation to care for the sick rather than desert them, and therefore saved enormous numbers of lives, according to one noted historian. Throughout history, Christians have run to help those in need when others run to help those in need when others run away to protect themselves. The Christian response to both Roman plagues resulted in mortality being reduced by as much as two-thirds. These "healers" did so in the Name of Jesus Christ, and they did it with the Gospel on their lips. In fact, the testimony of Christians became so widely known that one of their early persecutors complained that the Christians "support not only their own poor but ours as well." THE LAST PANDEMIC - THE 1918 SPANISH FLU OUTBREAK - WAS A TIME OF GLOBAL FEAR AND TENS OF MILLIONS OF DEATHS, but the church responded by helping those in need while making sure they also heard the Gospel. An assemblies of God paper wrote, "The saints of God need have no fear, they can look up to Heaven and rejoice in the certain knowledge that their redemption drawnet nigh." Another edition of the same paper spoke of a missionary woman in India who worked "night and day caring for the sick" until she succumbed to the disease herself. IN 1946, BILL GRAHAM'S MESSAGE MET OPEN HEARTS IN A RIVEN EUROPE. He wrote in his memoir, "We were there less than a year after the end of World War II, and we encountered shortage, hardships and rationing everywhere." God raised up Mr. Graham in a world that had barely survived the Spanish Flu, then Nazism, and was soon threatened by socialism and communism. Millions were searching for hope, and they found it in the Gospel message. THE GREAT PERSECUTIONS OF THE EARLY CHURCH LED TO THE CHRISTIANIZATION OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE, and the persecution of believers in Europe led to the establishment of the United States, which became the greatest missionary sending nation in history. The terror of Chairman Mao's cultural revolution led to a Christian movement that has grown steadily through the decades, so that now Chin's Christians number more than its Communist Party members. The persecution of the Christians by the Soviets led to today's thriving Christian churches throughout the former Soviet Bloc and even in Russia. The fastest - growing Christian movement in the world may be Iran's underground church, and one - quarter of those living in the world's most populated Muslim country, Indonesia, are now Christians. PANDEMICS AND PERSECUTIONS HAVE OFTEN LED TO MASSIVE MOVEMENTS TOWARD JESUS CHRIST. David Livingston was right when he wrote, "The best remedy for a sick church is to put it on a missionary diet." Livingstone's "missionary diet" consisted of enduring any hardship to the point of death in order to go wherever God led. The result was the spectacular launch of Christianity on a continent many leaders considered too spiritually dark to penetrate - Africa. And now, there are more Christians in Africa than on any other continent We may feel like we are living in a dark world today. The world has been brought to its knees by attempts to manage the pandemic. Churches were shuttered. Pastors have been silenced in many parts of the world. Missions were hampered. And yet, God's work has continued unabated throughout the world. Ask pastors like David Jeremiah, Greg Laurie or Jack Graham about the numbers coming to faith through web, radio and television ministries. Ask health care workers on the front lines of the pandemic working for Samaritan's Purse or the pastors laboring behind the scenes around the world. Ask about the impact of schools and community health centers in India, or travel to the Middle East with me and sit with the leaders of Muslim nations who increasingly see Christians as indispensable blessings to their countries. Paul's words to the Colossians could have been written today: "All around the world the Gospel is growing and bearing much fruit" (cf. Colossians 1:6) As we know from Scripture, where sin abounds, grace abounds even more. So, it should not surprise us that the Gospel seems to shine the brightest in moments of pain and persecution. We must hold fast to our faith and be prepared to care for others, always being a witness along the way. History's great struggles tend to be the impetus for its next Great Awakening. Linkedin: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/sylvia-bonaparte-b1b465166 M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte [AMARE] https://www.strategist-curiosity.com Amare: www.myamareglobal.com/46719 www.amarehempgbx.com/?rwpid=46719 For more information: Lifevantage: sylviab55.lifevantage.com code: 1927889? Dr. Brian Dixon [ Tri Synergize] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrlavVDlCKA? Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????? #FollowMefourFollowback @Follow4Followback @Sylvia Bonaparte "AS WE KNOW FROM SCRIPTURE, WHERE SIN ABOUNDS, GRACE ABOUNDS EVEN MORE. SO, IT SHOULD NOT SURPRISE US THAT THE GOSPEL SEEMS TO SHINE THE BRIGHTEST IN MOMENTS OF PAIN AND PERSECUTION."


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    FREE FROM FEAR . . .

    identified various domains of fear related to the fear of COVID-19 infection, such as fear of oneself or their family…

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  • Psychology, Psychological, Psychologist, Psychiatrists

    Psychology, Psychological, Psychologist, Psychiatrists

    Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior, according to the American Psychological Association…

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    ERADICATE INDOOR STUFF, TOO Breathing in pollen and dust mites and dander and mold is a recipe for disaster. Nasal…

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