Vulnerable Patients with Diabetes at Risk of Deadly Harm
Patients' Rights Action Fund
Fighting to end the dangerous and discriminatory public policy of assisted suicide.
"[S]upport does not extend to the Massachusetts House of Representatives, its top official said. 'We have a very divided House of Representatives,'?said Speaker Ronald Mariano. 'There’s not a 77 percent affirmative vote in the House right now.' Observers and lawmakers say this likely dooms the bill..."?(3 min)
Vulnerable Patients with Diabetes at risk of deadly harm?
Data show that patients with diabetes struggle with psychiatric disabilities: "[S]uicide and self-harm are "all too common" among young adults with?type 1 diabetes?who are receiving?insulin, said Barnard-Kelly, a psychologist... And insulin under- or overdosing is the most common method of self-harm..."??It is deeply concerning that states like Oregon have reported that patients with diabetes, a treatable non-terminal illness, have died by assisted suicide. Read about Mental Health & Diabetes?(2?min)
Jensen Caraballo - Assisted Suicide Laws Are Dangerous
"As a Disabled Latino man, I feel assisted suicide laws are dangerous. A person can administer death medicine without the person’s consent. Doctors think disabled people have no quality of life..." Keep Reading (4?min)?
Lynette Taylor Grande: A New Treatment Brought Her Out of a Deep Pit
"In 1993, teacher Lynette Taylor Grande was diagnosed with stage four adenocarcinoma (stomach cancer) and was given a 10% chance to live. Immediate surgery was followed by chemotherapy and radiation. Grande relays that her physical body, mind, and spirit were damaged and diminished by these processes, and she went from 125lb to 95 lbs, surviving on broth and Jello..." Keep Reading (2?min)?