Vulnerability Scanning Vs. Penetration Testing Comparing The Two Security Offerings
It's not confidential: The number of security vulnerabilities that businesses have to deal with is enormous. But knowing where and how your company may be vulnerable is censored in maintaining a healthy security situation. As vulnerabilities grow and the threat landscape widens, two important strategies for blindness to where you are and where you need to be security-wise are vulnerability assessment and penetration testing.
Basically, almost all companies should do both. If you're not, you could be exposing yourself to greater dangers. It is easy to understand why some people may confuse the two strategies but there is a key difference between vulnerability assessment and penetration testing.
The differences between vulnerability scanning and penetration testing
Vulnerability scanning is usually conducted with software that takes advantage of automated processes and forms for known vulnerabilities in various systems. Once finished, a report on the risk vulnerability is generated. Penetration testing, on the other hand, takes advantage of the manual process and is usually performed by a cyber security expert who tries to find flaws and exploits within your system architecture. Penetration testing is sometimes referred to as ethical hacking, in which you enlist the help of a third party to "hack" into your system to see if they can easily be penetrable.
Vulnerability testing reveals the extent to which brittle systems and sensitive information are vulnerable to compromise or attack due to outstanding patches and common security misconfigurations. Penetration testing is a style of exploiting identified vulnerabilities to gain access to sensory systems, sensitive information, or a specified trophy. While automated vulnerability scanning can help you identify security flaws that require remediation, it cannot help you overall evaluate the ability of your company's security controls against complex strategies that can appoint a human attacker.?
Here's an analogy that outlines the difference between the two strategies. If your systems were a car and the hazard scenario was rough roads and icy conditions, a vulnerability scan would represent a 10-point investigation of the vehicle - tires, suspension, engine, etc. A pen test would represent the equivalent of taking the car on one. Take a test drive on a rough road in bad weather to see how everything is.
It's necessary to keep in mind that a pen test isn't simply obtaining vulnerabilities that a vulnerability scanner would discover. Pen tests deep dive into those configurations and interactions between devices and systems (and where they are located) that can be exploited???
There are many cases in which your environment "passes" a vulnerability scan without any identified issues, but may still be vulnerable. You won't know this without a proper pen test.
Why perform vulnerability scans or pen tests?
New vulnerabilities are identified and uncovered every day. While compliance commissions or basic security policies may dictate that you need to patch at least monthly, vulnerability scans conducted more frequently are recommended. In this way, businesses can benefit significantly by getting an exact description of their security profile.
Depending on the complexity of the vulnerabilities, some exploits may progress rather than rapidly unfold in the wild. Zero-day exploits happen more often than we expected. If you're not doing vulnerability scans consistently and following up with treatment, you're exposing yourself to potential threats.
Once you have set a scan cadence and remedial where possible, you will have a good baseline of your safety and compliance posture.
?Based on the results of the vulnerability scan, the idea is to initiate penetration testing after the scan cycle. The advantage of penetration testing for a company is based on the fact that vulnerability scanners are obliged to identify particular vulnerabilities that are currently on a particular asset. The real risk of those vulnerabilities may or may not be fully realized until penetration testing tests them in a particular environment.
?Instead of looking at just one vulnerability, penetration testers will take advantage of different or chain different vulnerabilities together to a greater effect. Something that may not all be evaluated equally during a vulnerability scan can become the linchpin for more insidious exploits when chained with different vulnerabilities in specific environments.
?The current risk scenario poses so many risks that the company cannot afford to miss out on the leverage these two strategies should go hand in hand.
Are there any risks when doing a pen test?
First, there is no significant risk involved in conducting a vulnerability assessment. But remember: a scan is only as good as the threat intelligence and vulnerability data you put into it. The most perceptible risk is not doing it often enough.
?But when it comes to penetration tests, there is a serious risk one should be aware of. The most common risk stems from who an organization chooses as its penetration test. If the penetration tester is not skilled or lacks an understanding of toolset, compliance requirements, and real-world exploits, your results will not be accurate.
?An inexact or faulty penetration test can represent both a compliance and security risk for a company. Having or hiring adequate and qualified penetration tests is sensory; as they will help you think about and prioritize your treatment, contextualizing the results based on your environment, and your environment.
?Finally, we must understand that both penetration testing and vulnerability scans are a "transient time" assessment. It lies in the fact that both of them must be done from time to time.
Can organizations do their own pen tests?
In almost all cases, penetration testing must be performed by an outsourced provider or third party. Depending on the size and maturity of the company, some organizations with an experienced internal team have a strong ability to conduct their penetration testing.
?But those organizations are few and far between. Even businesses that have internal capabilities, their penetration tests are often augmented and validated against a baseline with third parties. Also, a third party may be more likely to uncover vulnerabilities that a company might not even think to test.
?For various companies and industries, compliance requirements and mandates require penetration testing to be performed by a third party.
?In the end, a tentative vulnerability scan or penetration test is only as good as the threat intelligence or vulnerability insight you put into it. When looking for a third-party vendor to help you with these fragile security strategies, make sure they bring a lot to the table: robust methodologies and toolsets, a vast library of known vulnerabilities and security misconfigurations, what else demonstrate a complete understanding of what has been happening in the wild and how things are being exploited.
The best penetration testers should be able to evaluate your attack surface, address compliance needs, understand real-world exploitation of your personnel, know and prioritize remedies, and work with a security expert.