Vulnerability – The Birthplace of Innovation, Creativity, and Change.
Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels

Vulnerability – The Birthplace of Innovation, Creativity, and Change.

I captured the title for this wave of Fika for Your Soul in the TED talk about vulnerability by Brené Brown. Towards the end of the talk she says, “Vulnerability is the birthplace for innovation, creativity, and change.”

It’s hard not to notice the level of vulnerability we’re facing in mundane everyday tasks right now. There’s no rule book any more. The world as we know it is gone. We can’t point to someone else and demand that they fix things. As a collective, we’re forced to engage in a way we haven’t done for a long time, maybe never. It’s fascinating to think that all countries around the world, rich or poor, big or small, are facing the same challenge – at the same time.

Personally, I appreciate that we are being given the chance to slow down. I have noticed that a deeper level of thinking and deeper inspiration have come to light thanks to life no longer ticking along ‘as usual’.

I appreciate that we are in a window where we can re-evaluate and reassess what is important to us, what motivates us, what makes us come alive, what we have taken for granted. What we may never have noticed before as we have sprinted along immersed in the busyness of modern life.

I welcome the opportunity to become more mindful, more compassionate, and more present. 

That said, I also recognise that life as we know it, in terms of jobs and livelihoods, etc., is up in the air and the not-knowing is incredibly stressful and challenging for many. Yet, in the vulnerability of where we are, there’s huge scope for innovation, creativity, and change.

It’s been a few months since my last wave of Fika for Your Soul. I self-isolated a couple of weeks before the UK lockdown. When I emerged from my self-isolation the world had changed drastically. Everywhere I went I had to read signs for what was the new norm, as how to behave was now very different to when I went into self-isolation.

Now, three months later, shops have started to re-open. Pubs were allowed to once again welcome customers last weekend. There’s still queuing involved to get into the supermarket but that's now part of the new normal.

As things closed down our local community sprang into action. A new website and Facebook group, Deal Delivers, was born. As a result, local businesses have been able to advertise their products and services to give us the opportunity to continue to shop locally, with home delivery. Many of the restaurants in town offer online ordering and home delivery as well. Thanks to Deal Delivers, I have had deliveries from the nursery up the road with some additional plants, soil, and flowerpots for my patio.

It’s time to replant the plants I have, to support their chance to grow roots in new nutritious soil, and to invigorate my outdoor space by adding more nature in the form of more plants.

So, where am I going with all this?

I’ve had my own version of soul-discovery since my self-imposed isolation and then the lockdown. A bit of a declutter, rearranging, and reshuffling. The time had come to ‘re-plant’ myself in nutritious soil where I too can foster and grow deep and strong roots, where I can flourish.

For quite some time my learning edge, or growing edge if you like, has been learning to “show up fully”. Thanks to some work I did with a coach last year, I took the plunge and became more public about my work. Learning to trust, it was time to allow myself to be seen.

Thanks to becoming more visible, I’ve had to face some important questions such as, for example: How do I want to be present? What is my contribution? How can I be most helpful? 

That peeled another layer of the proverbial onion and oh boy, did things open up! I’ll report back on this in future waves of Fika for Your Soul.

For now, here’s a little something that I prepared earlier. Recorded on a Sunday and so I am showing up with hair pulled back and without make-up. ?? It’s a short video where I touch upon some of the things that have been going on for me, and the news I have to share about my soon-to-be revamped MAPPING YOUR FREEDOM? quiz, and why it’s a great resource for these times.

If you’d like to receive an invitation when the revamped MAPPING YOUR FREEDOM? quiz is available, let me know here.

Until next time…

…from my soul to yours,


*Fika for Your Soul* is about connecting with inspiration from everyday situations and conversations. It’s about discovery, reflection, leaning into, and stretching beyond…how we may see, understand, and express freedom, exploration, and leadership (among other things), all in the context of our daily lives. Fika (pronounced ‘Feeka’) is Swedish and means taking a [coffee/tea] break.


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