Vulkan from ZERO to HERO: 2.7 Image Views
Welcome back, in the previous video, we successfully created Vulkan's swap chain, now we need to create image buffers for our swap chains.
First we need to get the count of available images for this swap chain, and we will use vkGetSwapChainImagesKHR function which needs the following parameters: Vulkan device, swap chain object, swap chain image view object by reference and finally pointer to the number of swap chain images. Then we can create a vector which contains Vkimage objects and create a image view for each object. Also we will create depth buffer. In computer graphics, depth buffering, also known as z-buffering, is the management of image depth coordinates in 3D graphics.
At the end of this video we will ready to move to the next step which is about Vulkan's semaphores.
Stay tuned