VUCA – The Time of the Catalyst
Shannon Lucas
Co-Founder & Co-CEO at Catalyst Constellations, Best-Selling Author, Advisory Board Member, Catalyst of Catalysts
The VUCA reality is upon us. We are living in a time of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. We can no longer deny this characterization of our reality. The question is: How should organizations respond? Or perhaps more importantly, how do they identify the employees who aren’t just ok with change but actually thrive in ambiguity and complexity?
As a response to contextualize VUCA in the business world, Bob Johansen, Founder of Institute for the Future (IFTF), developed the concept of VUCA Prime: Vision, Understanding, Certainty and Agility - the core skills needed to help organizations adapt to survive.
For years, thought leaders have been identifying the key attributes companies would have to look for in their employees or hire for, in order to successfully adapt. Here’s a list of traits and skills thought leaders say organizations will need to tap into in order to thrive and survive in a VUCA world:
- ambidextrous leadership, experimentation mindset, entrepreneurial skills, organizational design and innovation capacities (Inc.)
- self-direction, empathy, communication management, adaptability (Fast Company)
- vision, understanding, courage, adaptability (Forbes)
- listening skills, divergent thinking (HBR)
- ability to prepare for many alternative realities or challenges, ability to adapt strategy for both expected and unexpected change, leadership agility, ability to create a corporate culture which is supportive and adaptive to change and uncertainty, “out of the box” thinking (Robert Half)
- flexibility, speed, experimenting, performance risk-taking, interpersonal risk-taking, collaborating, information gathering, feedback-seeking, reflecting (Psychology Today)
- learning agility, self-awareness, leading through collaboration and influence, confidence to lead through uncertainty, ability to develop a shared purpose (Hult)
To summarize, organizations should be looking for those employees who naturally take in lots of information from many different sources, see infinite possibilities, create a vision and can’t stop themselves from moving into action to improve everything around them. Those that cultivate networks of stakeholders with empathy and an ability to create a shared purpose.
We call them Catalysts. Catalysts have an innate ability to create positive visions of the future in a sea of uncertainty and activate organizations towards that better future.
These traits are inherent to the Catalyst. It’s how we move through the world. We can’t, in fact, easily stop ourselves from showing up this way. We are constantly striving to make ourselves, and the world around us, better in just about everything we do. We love making sense out of the uncertainty. We get joy from activating people to help create those brighter future outcomes. It’s who we are. Catalysts are innately VUCA ready.
In our research, Catalysts and their managers identified them as having the following strengths:
1. Seeing Possibility & Futures (Future-Oriented):
innovative, strategic, dot connecting, big picture, navigating complexity, systems thinking, vision, analysis, synthesis, creativity, constant learner, growth mindset
2. Activating People to Change
empathy, EQ, relationships building, communication, helping other see & organize themselves in change, collaboration, leading teams, negotiating
3. Executing
planning, fast execution, innovation methodologies, business or program development, building systems or structures
Catalyst’s aren’t perfect at change either. We get frustrated. We can lose our stakeholders with lack of clarity or by moving too fast. We can get bored if the change is going too slow. But with a little bit of support and coaching, Catalysts are unstoppable.
So the question for you is, how are you identifying and supporting those people in your organization who were born VUCA ready? Do you know who your Catalysts are? As they become more and more in demand, do you know how to support them and keep them solving your wicked problems?
We work with organizations to help them identify, train, connect, support and amplify the Catalysts across the business. And happily, increasingly organizations are leaning into this work. We know the massive positive impact that Catalysts can have when they are well supported, as highlighted in the stories of Catalysts individuals in Move Fast. Break Shit. Burn Out.
Sadly, what we are seeing the exact opposite. During our current volatile economic climate, companies are grappling with how to adapt to make bottom line targets while trying to control costs and streamline operations. Companies are having to make hard decisions about letting people go. But in the process, most companies they aren’t pausing to identify the employees who are going to help them actually transition to survive in this VUCA World. They are escorting their organization’s flexibility, resiliency and agility out the door. It is probably not intentional, but they are cutting individual Catalysts or even whole catalytic teams, without taking the time to understand the value of these groups in helping the business adapt to survive.
Our VUCA reality shows us this is The Time of the Catalyst - organizations can no longer thrive without finding and leveraging their Catalysts. So the question is, what are you doing to identify and empower your Catalysts in the VUCA world?
You can find Move Fast. Break Shit. Burn Out. on Amazon.
Shannon has been Executive Vice President at Ericsson, a Senior Innovation Architect at Cisco, and a Director of Innovation at Vodafone. A practitioner and global thought leader on intrapreneurship, she founded the Global Intrapreneur Salon and is passionate about transforming corporations into sustainable change engines. Tracey is an anthropologist and the research engine for Catalyst Constellations. She spent twelve years at Microsoft leading teams of changemakers and co-founded the Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference. Tracey thrives when she can use her intuition and relentless optimism to coach Catalysts and amplify their changemaking power.