vSocket Interface - Guest to Host Communication
VMware vSocket provides a very similar API to the Unix Socker interface for communication. vSocket library is built on VMCI devices.?It provides support for Guest Host communication more efficiently.
?vSocket works on each physical machine and communicates to local processes. If we want to communicate with distributed system, then use the internet socket to communicate with the external source. vSocket allows the guest's VM to communicate with the host.
?vSocket support both connection and connection-less communication mechanism. VMware vSocket supports data transfer among processes on the same system (interprocess communication). They also allow communication to processes on different systems, including ones running different versions and types of operating systems, and comprise a single protocol family.
?vSocket programming is very similar to UNIX socket programming. It has the same signature but few changes in an argument like VSOCK stream and address format.
?Some steps need to follow for enabling the VM for communications. Eg: VM--> Settings -->Options -->Guest Isolation -->Enable VMCI
?Include File Paths:
- /usr/lib/vmware-tools/include/vmci --> for guest VM
- ?/usr/lib/vmware/include/vmci --> for Host Machine
Let's see the example for connection-oriented vSocket communication.
int serverConnection()
int af_VMCI;
int socketFD;
int numOfBytes;
char buffer[BUFFSIZE];
long number_of_bytes_sent;
unsigned int buffer_size;
socklen_t length;
struct sockaddr_vm server_address = {0}; // initializing the server address to Zeros
//Step 1: obtain the VMCI Address
af_VMCI = VMCISock_GetAFValue();
init_sockaddr(af_VMCI,& server_address);
strcpy(buffer,"-- Server connection initialize--");
//creating the vsocket for connection
socketFD = socket(af_VMCI,SOCK_STREAM,0);
if(socketFD == -1) {
error("Failed to create socket");
// connecting the server based on the connection
if((connect(socketFD,(struct sockaddr*)&server_address,size_of(server_address))) == -1) {
error("Failed to connect to server");
//geting the socket options
if(getsockopt(socketFD,af_VMCI,SO_VMCI_BUFFER_SIZE,(void*)&buffer_size,0) == -1){
error("Failed to get the socket options");
printf("\n Buffer Length : %lld",buffer_size);
getchar(); // reading data from console
printf("\n Transfering clinet data to server");
while(1) {
if((numOfBytes = send(socketFD,buffer,BUFFSIZE,0) == -1)){
printf("\n[Log]: Bytes transmitted : %lld",number_of_bytes_sent);
printf("\n[log]: Closing the vsocket connection");
return 0;
void startServer() {
int listenFD, clientFD, nfds;
uint64_t buf_size, t;
socklen_t size;
struct sockaddr_vm my_addr = {0}, their_addr;
int vmci_address_family;
fd_set read_fds;
unsigned int cid;
uint8_t buf[BUFSIZE];
if ((vmci_address_family = VMCISock_GetAFValue()) < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "VMCISock_GetAFValue failed: %d. You probably need root privileges\n", vmci_address_family);
goto cleanup;
if ((listenFD = socket(vmci_address_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
goto cleanup;
* SO_VMCI_BUFFER_SIZE – Default size of communicating buffers; 65536 bytes if not set.
* SO_VMCI_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE – Minimum size of communicating buffers; defaults to 128 bytes.
* SO_VMCI_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE – Maximum size of communicating buffers; defaults to 262144 bytes.
buf_size = 32768;
/* reduce buffer to above size and check */
if (setsockopt(listenFD, vmci_address_family, SO_VMCI_BUFFER_SIZE, (void *)&buf_size, sizeof(buf_size)) == -1)
goto close;
size = sizeof(t);
if (getsockopt(listenFD, vmci_address_family, SO_VMCI_BUFFER_SIZE, (void *)&t, &size) == -1)
goto close;
if (t != buf_size)
fprintf(stderr, "SO_VMCI_BUFFER_SIZE not set to size requested.\n");
goto close;
my_addr.svm_family = vmci_address_family;
my_addr.svm_cid = VMADDR_CID_ANY;
my_addr.svm_port = VMADDR_PORT_ANY;
if (bind(listenFD, (struct sockaddr *)&my_addr, sizeof(my_addr)) == -1)
goto close;
if ((cid = VMCISock_GetLocalCID()) == (unsigned int)-1)
fprintf(stderr, "VMCISock_GetLocalCID failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, "server cid: %u\n", cid);
size = sizeof(my_addr);
if (getsockname(listenFD, (struct sockaddr *)&my_addr, &size) == -1)
goto close;
fprintf(stderr, "server (cid, port): %u:%u\n", my_addr.svm_cid, my_addr.svm_port);
for (;;)
if (listen(listenFD, CONNECTION_BACKLOG) == -1)
goto close;
size = sizeof(their_addr);
if ((clientFD = accept(listenFD, (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr, &size)) == -1)
goto close;
fprintf(stderr, "client connected\n");
FD_SET(clientFD, &read_fds);
nfds = clientFD + 1;
if (select(nfds, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, NULL) == -1)
goto close;
if (FD_ISSET(clientFD, &read_fds))
ssize_t s;
if ((s = recv(clientFD, (void *)buf, sizeof(buf), 0)) < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "recv failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
int i;
fprintf(stderr, "recved %lld bytes\n", (long long int)s);
for (i = 0; i < s; i++)
putc(buf[i], stderr);
putc('\n', stderr);
return 0;
- https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/a49be05e-fa6d-4da1-9186-922fbfef149e/a65f3c51-aaeb-476d-80c3-827b805c2f9e/doc/vsockAbout.3.2.html
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5DQWdPUQSY
- vmware vsocket guideline