VSM: Visibility to Lead Digital Journey
Value Stream Management to catapult your Digital Journey. Thanks to respective open source and commercial tools communities.

VSM: Visibility to Lead Digital Journey

Our Article DevOps discipline & Practices of successful Open-Source projects also pondered over - How to lead Digital Journey Amidst technology crowd?

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Regardless of Enterprise Projects  or OSSP, combination of development / delivery tools (Open Source or Commercial on-premise/ SaaS Tools…) drive DevOps pipeline.  In general, every release and, as stated in the above article, Open Source projects also provide great learning to continuously improve DevOps maturity of  Enterprise projects.

However, there’s always need for continuous diligence to guard against instances of Technical Debt caused by  critical  inconsistencies.

Thus far,  Organizations worldwide, have been relying on their ability to continuously Improve, Deliver & Operate software systems to achieve their goals, i.e.: Deliver the committed / desired Customer Experience & Business Outcome that matters.

However, today every Business  is constantly evolving at a jet-set fierce pace to outwit competition. There’s SIMPLY NO ROOM LEFT TO WAIT FOR ANSWERS / EXPERIMENTS ANYMORE.

“Lead Digital Journey” cannot be achieved without much stronger & aligned Business focus.

Answer is- continuously delivering business Value aligned Production-Ready software, i.e., software must be ‘Action-Ready’ to trigger your Digital Transformation to the next level. Also, Production-Ready Software should be steps & key pillars for Business Operational Value Stream.

In summary, Call of the hour is: Leverage the good-old virtues of  DevOps’s ‘Production first Mindset’ coupled with 'Value Stream Delivery' and 'Value Stream Management'.

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The Pivotal imperative:

What are your organizational “Business Operational  Value Streams”? AND,

  • How do you ensure that (amidst Technology Crowd),  Development Teams continuously deliver the expected Business outcome? i.e. Does each development value stream provide an identifiable and measurable flow of Value to a Customer?

While Metrics are important, maintaining strong focus on diligently leveraging Unified Value Streams, Business oriented Development Insights and converged visibility of pipeline will be the key to empower Development Teams in delivering software products continually that delight the customers.

Gartner has highlighted in “Market Guide for DevOps Value Stream Management” that,

  • Organizations lack end-to-end visibility into product delivery & struggle to improve their flow of value”. Recommendations being “I&O leaders, together with application leaders, must implement a DevOps Value Stream Management Platform (VSMP) and analyze value stream metrics to optimize the overall health of product delivery”.

This exactly is SarvaTech’s focus; i.e. – ensuring Visibility for Leadership team, triggering Actionable Metrics for their Teams. Objective is  to lead continuous improvement in Software’s Time to Value.


By 2023, 70% of organizations will use value stream management to improve flow in the DevOps pipeline, leading to faster delivery of customer value.
Gartner: Market Guide for DevOps Value Stream Management Platforms, Sept. 2020 

Considering use of multiple and different DevOps tools by each team, Value Stream Delivery Platforms is not always a viable option. But Value Stream Management Platform (VSMP) is definitely an important step forward to Lead Digital Journey.

?Objective is to improve your DevOps visibility - accelerating business outcome.


