IT vs Security: The Ultimate Showdown
IT vs Security. It’s been an ever-lasting debate for decades. IT and Security teams might have different goals. But one common goal is to keep the company running. Many times, the IT team believes that the security team is working against them. Security teams expect the IT team to give them the utmost priority. Since both teams are not aligned, the conflict continues to grow.
These clashes or lack of teamwork causes work to slow down, and important work to not get fixed on time. It’s like having a leaky roof while arguing about who should fix it, and meanwhile, the rain keeps pouring in, damaging everything. So, fixing the leaky roof is important.
Cyber threats are evolving, vulnerabilities are multiplying, and attackers are becoming more sophisticated. When security patches are delayed due to operational concerns, or when IT changes create security blind spots, the organization is left exposed.
The goal is simple: Security and IT operations should work together, not against each other. With the right strategies, they can become powerful allies in reducing cyber risks without disrupting business continuity. Whether you’re an IT leader, a security professional, or an executive seeking better collaboration within your organization, grasping the knowledge to break down silos and build a more resilient cyber defense is important.
Let’s put an end to the unnecessary fights and start securing the future together.
Assets ??
The continuous battle between two essential pillars of an organization (IT and security teams) still occurs. Clashes or lack of teamwork causes work to slow down and important work to not get fixed on time.? Saner CVEM can put an end to these conflicts.
In this ebook, get insights on:
Blogs and Alerts ??
Organizations are constantly under threat from cyberattacks. Hackers are more creative than ever, and the threat landscape continues to grow. Every 39 seconds, a cyberattack occurs somewhere in the world. The average cost of a data breach will be up to $4.45 million in 2023.
What’s in this blog?
IT Patch Management might not grab the spotlight, but it’s the unsung hero that protects systems from attacks, fixes vulnerabilities, and keeps software running smoothly.
What’s in this blog?
Webinars ??
IT and Security Operations teams have been locked in a never-ending battle for far too long.
With distinct priorities, bridging the gap between IT and Security might seem like a tough challenge. But that raises an important question, how do you ensure a seamless IT network while keeping it secure at the same time?
In this webinar, we’ll dive into
So, is it IT vs. Security? Or can it be IT and Security?
Join us as we discover the answer.
About Saner CVEM:
Saner CVEM is an all-in-one solution for your cybersecurity needs. Detect, defend, and defeat vulns from start to finish! Manage vulnerabilities, exposures, and other security risks in a single unified platform. Mitigate vulnerabilities on time with integrated remediation and automate tasks end-to-end to establish a continuous routine.