Vrtual Walk For Autism Charleston
Portis (Ryan) O'Neal
Resilient Professional Restaurant Manager, Serv/Safe instructor, Operations Technical Person 2, Walk For Autism Board Member, USN Submarine Veteran
I know it's been a truly difficult year for all, but despite the hardship, we, the board members of Charleston Walk for Autism, remain determined and committed to the cause of assisting the many Charleston-area families affected by autism. We're just having to be more creative in our approach this year, and WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Here's how you can assist...
Sign up here to participate in this year's virtual walk!
Charleston VIRTUAL WALK for Autism
April 10-11th 2021
General Registration - $25
Family Price - $50
Kids 5 and Under - FREE
We'll be the first to say that organizing a virtual walk/fundraiser is uncharted territory, and feels slightly intangible. But, the work must be done! Our kids need us! And now, more than ever before, it will truly "take a village."
So lace-up and walk for the cause at your leisure, from anywhere in the world! And please, share your posts and videos in support on social media. Tell us WHY you walk, WHO you walk for, HOW autism affects your life. Or, just take a picture of your tennis shoes and tag us...
EVERY dollar, step, share, like and comment counts!
In closing, we appreciate your time and consideration in reading this message!
Thank you again!
Rose O'Neal, Co-Director + Controller
Tag us on Facebook and Instagram: @Charleston Walk For Autism
Use these hashtags: #CharlestonWalkForAutism #CharlestonVirtualWalkForAutism2021