Vreds Insights
Vreds Philanthropy
Empowering philanthropists to create health and social change.
Vreds identifies high-impact investment opportunities, including those that seed for-profit investments and policy change.
Convening Summary: Revolutionizing the Mental Health Workforce — A Critical Role for Philanthropy
For decades, the United States has consistently failed to provide essential mental health and substance use care to Americans. A central reason is that the people integral to delivering care are not accessible to the individuals and families when and where they need them.
Philanthropists—independent of the system and relatively immune to its internal conflicts and interests—have long been committed to improving our healthcare workforce. They have a critical role to play today.
Op-ed: Washington Examiner
Research and experience show early intervention models work, but they must be scaled nationally. The future of our national mental health emergency among our country’s youth is not an epidemic. It is a choice...
Paper: Community Mental Health Journal
One way to overcome some of the mental health access challenges is to engage community mental health workers, whose barriers to entry are relatively low and whose contributions to patient health are high. By mirroring the cultural, racial, ethnic, and socio-economic characteristics of their clientele, trust is built…