Dinesh kumar S
/Aspiring student of ECE /Enthusiastic Programmer and Frontend Aficionado with a Passion for cloud computing / good communicator.
Article About on VRAM....
VRAM stands for video random access memory and is the dynamic storing of high-speed image data for showing on a display. VRAM is often referred to as GPU memory, as you find it on graphics chips, and modern models are often of the GDDR6 standard.
VRAM is Video Random-Access Memory, so it's RAM that is plugged into your GPU (instead of your motherboard) and acts as temporary storage for data related to graphics rendering. This way, your video card can make use of the data immediately, without the slow process of transferring it from other storage.
would not consider going from 1 GB of GDDR3(4550) to 512 MB of GDDR5(as you may find on a 5670 or 6570.