VPP Configuration - Part1
About this series
I use VPP - Vector Packet Processor - extensively at IPng Networks. Earlier this year, the VPP community merged the?Linux Control Plane?plugin. I wrote about its deployment to both regular servers like the?Supermicro?routers that run on our?AS8298, as well as virtual machines running in?KVM/Qemu.
Now that I’ve been running VPP in production for about two years, I can’t help but notice one specific drawback: VPP is a programmable dataplane, and?by design?it does not include any configuration or controlplane management stack. It’s meant to be integrated into a full stack by operators. For end-users, this unfortunately means that typing on the CLI won’t persist any configuration, and if VPP is restarted, it will not pick up where it left off. There’s one developer convenience in the form of the?exec?command-line (and startup.conf!) option, which will read a file and apply the contents to the CLI line by line. However, if any typo is made in the file, processing immediately stops. It’s meant as a convenience for VPP developers, and is certainly not a useful configuration method for all but the simplest topologies.
Luckily, VPP comes with an extensive set of APIs to allow it to be programmed. So in this series of posts, I’ll detail the work I’ve done to create a configuration utility that can take a YAML configuration file, compare it to a running VPP instance, and step-by-step plan through the API calls needed to safely apply the configuration to the dataplane. Welcome to?vppcfg!
In this first post, let’s take a look at tablestakes: writing a YAML specification which models the main configuration elements of VPP, and then ensures that the YAML file is both syntactically as well as semantically correct.
Note: Code is on?my Github, but it’s not quite ready for prime-time yet. Take a look, and engage with me on GitHub (pull requests preferred over issues themselves) or reach out by?contacting me.
YAML Specification
I decide to use?Yamale, which is a schema description language and validator for?YAML. YAML is a very simple, text/human-readable annotation format that can be used to store a wide range of data types. An interesting, but quick introduction to the YAML language can be found on CraftIRC’s?GitHub?page.
The first order of business for me is to devise a YAML file specification which models the configuration options of VPP objects in an idiomatic way. It’s appealing to make the decision to immediately build a higher level abstraction, but I resist the urge and instead look at the types of objects that exist in VPP, for example the?VNET_DEVICE_CLASS?types:
There are several others, but I decide to start with these, as I’ll be needing each one of these in my own network. Looking over the device class specification, I learn a lot about how they are configured, which arguments and of which type they need, and which data-structures they are represent as in VPP internally.
Syntax Validation
Yamale first reads a?schema?definition file, and then holds a given YAML file against the definition and shows if the file has a syntax that is well-formed or not. As a practical example, let me start with the following definition:
$ cat << EOF > schema.yaml
sub-interfaces: map(include('sub-interface'),key=int())
description: str(exclude='\'"',len=64,required=False)
lcp: str(max=15,matches='[a-z]+[a-z0-9-]*',required=False)
mtu: int(min=128,max=9216,required=False)
addresses: list(ip(version=6),required=False)
encapsulation: include('encapsulation',required=False)
dot1q: int(min=1,max=4095,required=False)
dot1ad: int(min=1,max=4095,required=False)
inner-dot1q: int(min=1,max=4095,required=False)
exact-match: bool(required=False)
This snippet creates two types, one called?sub-interface?and the other called?encapsulation. The fields of the sub-interface, for example the?description?field, must follow the given typing to be valid. In the case of the description, it must be at most 64 characters long and it must not contain the ` or “ characters. The designation?required=False?notes that this is an optional field and may be omitted. The?lcp?field is also a string but it must match a certain regular expression, and start with a lowercase letter. The?MTU?field must be an integer between 128 and 9216, and so on.
One nice feature of Yamale is the ability to reference other object types. I do this here with the?encapsulation?field, which references an object type of the same name, and again, is optional. This means that when the?encapsulation?field is encountered in the YAML file Yamale is validating, it’ll hold the contents of that field to the schema below. There, we have?dot1q,?dot1ad,?inner-dot1q?and?exact-match?fields, which are all optional.
Then, at the top of the file, I create the entrypoint schema, which expects YAML files to contain a map called?sub-interfaces?which is keyed by integers and contains values of type?sub-interface, tying it all together.
Yamale comes with a commandline utility to do direct schema validation, which is handy. Let me demonstrate with the following terrible YAML:
$ cat << EOF > bad.yaml
description: "Pim's illegal description"
lcp: "NotAGoodName-AmIRite"
mtu: 16384
encapsulation: False
$ yamale -s schemal.yaml bad.yaml
Validating /home/pim/bad.yaml...
Validation failed!
Error validating data '/home/pim/bad.yaml' with schema '/home/pim/schema.yaml'
sub-interfaces.100.description: 'Pim's illegal description' contains excluded character '''
sub-interfaces.100.lcp: Length of NotAGoodName-AmIRite is greater than 15
sub-interfaces.100.lcp: NotAGoodName-AmIRite is not a regex match.
sub-interfaces.100.mtu: 16384 is greater than 9216
sub-interfaces.100.addresses: '' is not a list.
sub-interfaces.100.encapsulation : 'False' is not a map
This file trips so many syntax violations, it should be a crime! In fact every single field is invalid. The one that is closest to being correct is the?addresses?field, but there I’ve set it up as a?list?(not a scalar), and even then, the list elements are expected to be IPv6 addresses, not IPv4 ones.
So let me try again:
$ cat << EOF > good.yaml
description: "Core: switch.example.com Te0/1"
lcp: "xe3-0-0"
mtu: 9216
addresses: [ 2001:db8::1, 2001:db8:1::1 ]
dot1q: 100
exact-match: True
$ yamale good.yaml
Validating /home/pim/good.yaml...
Validation success! ??
Semantic Validation
When using Yamale, I can make a good start in?syntax?validation, that is to say, if a field is present, it follows a prescribed type. But that’s not the whole story, though. There are many configuration files I can think of that would be syntactically correct, but still make no sense in practice. For example, creating an encapsulation which has both?dot1q?as well as?dot1ad, or creating a?LIP?(Linux Interface Pair) for sub-interface which does not have?exact-match?set. Or how’s about having two sub-interfaces with the same exact encapsulation?
Here’s where?semantic?validation comes in to play. So I set out to create all sorts of constraints, and after reading the (Yamale validated, so syntactically correct) YAML file, I can hand it into a set of validators that check for violations of these constraints. By means of example, let me create a few constraints that might capture the issues described above:
Config Validation
After spending a few weeks thinking about the problem, I came up with 59 semantic constraints, that is to say things that might appear OK, but will yield impossible to implement or otherwise erratic VPP configurations. This article would be a bad place to discuss them all, so I will talk about the structure of?vppcfg?instead.
First, a?Validator?class is instantiated with the Yamale schema. Then, a YAML file is read and passed to the validator’s?validate()?method. It will first run Yamale on the YAML file and make note of any issues that arise. If so, it will enumerate them in a list and return (bool, [list-of-messages]). The validation will have failed if the boolean returned is?false, and if so, the list of messages will help understand which constraint was violated.
The?vppcfg?schema consists of toplevel types, which are validated in order:
Of course, in a configuration model so complex as a VPP router, being able to do a lot of validation helps ensure that the constraints above are implemented correctly. To help this along, I use?regular?unittesting as provided by the Python3?unittest?framework, but I extend it to run as well a special kind of test which I call a?YAMLTest.
Unit Testing
This is bread and butter, and should be straight forward for software engineers. I took a model of so called test-driven development, where I start off by writing a test, which of course fails because the code hasn’t been implemented yet. Then I implement the code, and run this and all other unittests expecting them to pass.
Let me give an example based on BondEthernets, with a YAML config file as follows:
interfaces: [ GigabitEthernet1/0/0, GigabitEthernet1/0/1 ]
mtu: 3000
mtu: 3000
mtu: 3000
mtu: 2000
mtu: 3000
lcp: "be012345678"
addresses: [, 2001:db8::1/64 ]
mtu: 2000
addresses: [, 2001:db8:1::1/64 ]
As I mentioned when discussing the semantic constraints, there’s a few here that jump out at me. First, the BondEthernet members?Gi1/0/0?and?Gi1/0/1?must exist. There is one BondEthernet defined in this file (obvious, I know, but bear with me), and?Gi2/0/0?is not a bond member, and certainly?Gi2/0/0.100?is not a bond member, because having a sub-interface as an LACP member would be super weird. Taking things like this into account, here’s a few tests that could assert that the behavior of the?bondethernets?map in the YAML config is correct:
class TestBondEthernetMethods(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
with open("unittest/test_bondethernet.yaml", "r") as f:
self.cfg = yaml.load(f, Loader = yaml.FullLoader)
def test_get_by_name(self):
ifname, iface = bondethernet.get_by_name(self.cfg, "BondEthernet0")
self.assertEqual("BondEthernet0", ifname)
self.assertIn("GigabitEthernet1/0/0", iface['interfaces'])
self.assertNotIn("GigabitEthernet2/0/0", iface['interfaces'])
ifname, iface = bondethernet.get_by_name(self.cfg, "BondEthernet-notexist")
def test_members(self):
self.assertTrue(bondethernet.is_bond_member(self.cfg, "GigabitEthernet1/0/0"))
self.assertTrue(bondethernet.is_bond_member(self.cfg, "GigabitEthernet1/0/1"))
self.assertFalse(bondethernet.is_bond_member(self.cfg, "GigabitEthernet2/0/0"))
self.assertFalse(bondethernet.is_bond_member(self.cfg, "GigabitEthernet2/0/0.100"))
def test_is_bondethernet(self):
self.assertTrue(bondethernet.is_bondethernet(self.cfg, "BondEthernet0"))
self.assertFalse(bondethernet.is_bondethernet(self.cfg, "BondEthernet-notexist"))
self.assertFalse(bondethernet.is_bondethernet(self.cfg, "GigabitEthernet1/0/0"))
def test_enumerators(self):
ifs = bondethernet.get_bondethernets(self.cfg)
self.assertEqual(len(ifs), 1)
self.assertIn("BondEthernet0", ifs)
self.assertNotIn("BondEthernet-noexist", ifs)
Every single function that is defined in the file?config/bondethernet.py?(there are four) will have an accompanying unittest to ensure it works as expected. And every validator module, will have a suite of unittests fully covering their functionality. In total, I wrote a few dozen unit tests like this, in an attempt to be reasonably certain that the config validator functionality works as advertised.
YAML Testing
I added one additional class of unittest called a?YAMLTest. What happens here is that a certain YAML configuration file, which may be valid or have errors, is offered to the end-to-end config parser (so both the Yamale schema validator as well as the semantic validators), and all errors are accounted for. As an example, two sub-interfaces on the same parent cannot have the same encapsulation, so offering the following file to the config validator is?expected?to trip errors:
$ cat unittest/yaml/error-subinterface1.yaml << EOF
description: "Two subinterfaces can't have the same encapsulation"
- "sub-interface .*.100 does not have unique encapsulation"
- "sub-interface .*.102 does not have unique encapsulation"
count: 2
description: "VLAN 100"
description: "Another VLAN 100, but without exact-match"
dot1q: 100
description: "Another VLAN 100, but without exact-match"
dot1q: 100
exact-match: True
You can see the file here has two YAML documents (separated by?---), the first one explains to the YAMLTest class what to expect. There can either be no errors (in which case?test.errors.count=0), or there can be specific errors that are expected. In this case,?Gi1/0/0.100?and?Gi1/0/0/102?have the same encapsulation but?Gi1/0/0.101?is unique (if you’re curious, this is because the encap on 100 and 102 has exact-match, but the one one 101 does?not?have exact-match).
The implementation of this YAMLTest class is in?tests.py, which in turn runs all YAML tests on the files it finds in?unittest/yaml/*.yaml?(currently 47 specific cases are tested there, which covered 100% of the semantic constraints), and regular unittests (currently 42, which is a coincidence, I swear!)
What’s next?
These tests, together, give me a pretty strong assurance that any given YAML file that passes the validator, is indeed a valid configuration for VPP. In my next post, I’ll go one step further, and talk about applying the configuration to a running VPP instance, which is of course the overarching goal. But I would not want to mess up my (or your!) VPP router by feeding it garbage, so the lions’ share of my time so far on this project has been to assert the YAML file is both syntactically and semantically valid.
In the mean time, you can take a look at my code on?GitHub, but to whet your appetite, here’s a hefty configuration that demonstrates all implemented types:
interfaces: [ GigabitEthernet3/0/0, GigabitEthernet3/0/1 ]
mtu: 9000
description: "LAG #1"
mtu: 9000
description: "LAG #2"
lcp: "ice0"
mtu: 9000
addresses: [, 2001:db8:3::1/64 ]
mtu: 1200
lcp: "ice0.1234"
dot1q: 1234
exact-match: True
mtu: 1100
lcp: "ice0.1234.1000"
dot1q: 1234
inner-dot1q: 1000
exact-match: True
mtu: 2000
description: "Bridged"
mtu: 9000
lcp: "be0"
mtu: 2500
l2xc: BondEthernet0.200
dot1q: 100
exact-match: False
mtu: 2500
l2xc: BondEthernet0.100
dot1q: 200
exact-match: False
mtu: 2000
dot1ad: 500
exact-match: False
mtu: 2000
dot1ad: 501
exact-match: False
mtu: 2000
lcp: "lo0"
addresses: [, 2001:db8::1/128 ]
lcp: "bvi1"
addresses: [, 2001:db8:1::1/64 ]
mtu: 2000
bvi: loop1
interfaces: [ BondEthernet0.500, BondEthernet0.501, HundredGigabitEthernet12/0/1, vxlan_tunnel1 ]
mtu: 1500
vni: 101
The vision for my VPP Configuration utility is that it can move from any existing VPP configuration to any other (validated successfully) configuration with a minimal amount of steps, and that it will plan its way declaratively from A to B, ordering the calls to the API safely and quickly. Interested? Good, because I do expect that a utility like this would be very valuable to serious VPP users!
@dtaht:matrix.org - Truly speeding up the Net, one smart ISP at a time
1 年I saw dpdk gained the pie AQM recently. Can that be made to work with vpp?