VOX CLAMANTIS IN DESERTO …. Search for Leadership & Political Courage – New Hampshire 2024
Dr. Robert S.
New Century Wellness & Talent Performance.....Next Generation in Human Capital Learning Technology
Κ?ποιο? φων?ζει: ?Καθαρ?στε ?να μονοπ?τι στην ?ρημο! Κ?ντε ?ναν ?σιο δρ?μο για τον Κ?ριο τον Θε? μα?.
Someone is shouting: "Clear a path in the desert! Make a straight road for the LORD our God.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Isaiah 40: 3
In 1769 when Eleazar Wheelock founded Dartmouth College this Congregational minister was a trendsetter
….a man of leadership pronouncing concepts that were not in the mainstream thought of his time.
Such is the lonely place of leadership
….especially stewardship of those who live their Social Gospel
Their Vision is general not understood at the times….roundly criticized and seen as foolishness by the majority
…most people think they are crazy or just plain stupid
Wheelock established this school to train Native Americans to become Christian Missionaries …. to a Eurocentric Society the concept of equality to these marginalized people must have been nothing short of revolutionary.
But those that Love God aspire to their own beat
…quickly dismiss the hurt afflicted upon them
Step by Step their Moral Clarity as each year passes reveals in its success the Great Vision that they can only see.
So, how fitting indeed for Rev Wheelock turns to Isaiah to embody the zeal he committed to the task.
Its remarkable that Moral Clarity in the hearts of the righteous finds other leaders to make strong their vision
Wheelock was joined by John Philips- founder of Philips Exeter Academy and Rev. Nathaniel Whitaker that went to England in the pursuit of raising money for this educational effort. ?
Then supported by a Methodist… a new breakaway sect of Protestantism …inspired by John Wesley’s strong Social Gospel expressed in evangelization and charity
He would head the Trust and become the political/legal bridge that persuaded Royal Governor John Wentworth to donate the land and to enact a Royal Charter in the name of King George III
William Legge 2nd Earl of Dartmouth whom the School would be eventually named after remains an unseen force whose leadership brought all these divergent forces together
Leadership comes in many forms ….some are organizers, while other are activists which then are convened by those that excel in governance.
Sen. Daniel Webster – Dartmouth Class of 1801 would go on to be one of the most prolific leaders in American Society
Webster’s leadership projected this Social Gospel that was instilled by his teachers at Dartmouth that made him a preeminent thinker of his time
He summarized his intellectual honesty …..his sagest trademark
This Live Free or Die TRUTH is by no mere accident becomes the masthead of the Manchester Union Leader for it expressed this Tradition of Liberty in New Hampshire
Yet in 1912 when UL was purchased by Frank Knox ..financed by Gov. Robert Bass ( grandfather to our beloved former Congressman Charles Bass) who was integral in ?President Teddy Roosevelt Bull Moose Progressive Party does these words of Webster fuse with the evangelistic spirit of Wheelock and the early “Dartmouthites” who prioritized John Wesley concepts of Simple Moral Clarity
Quoting Saint Paul in Corinthians the other trademark of the UL expressed its mission
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Freedom
?Many say in these confusing times that such historic and high envisioned ideas are no longer relevant
I will tell you…
That you are wrong!
Like the frozen seeds that lie in the ground on this February day
…..this “light” resides inside of each of them
…as the sunshine, warmth and water infuse them to begin their journey
…the beautiful blossoms of the Spring/Summer will surely follow.
…such a light resides in the many good souls I meet everyday in New Hampshire.
The Good Spirit of Wheelock. Whitaker and Webster is very much alive in the many small seeds awaiting the leadership to bring new visions to blossom
Webster said
Let us go into the sunshine and breath the fresh air of liberty
We have come to one of those Στιγμ?? Καιρο?….
The “Appointed Moment” in which Truth must confront Falsehood
In 1982 the Lisbon School District first raised this Equal Funding Issue in Public Education
…in 1989 the now “infamous” Claremont lawsuit began its long and arduous journey
Fast Forward ….
Thirty years later ….2019 ConVal Lawsuit once again attempted to correct this inequality
Finally in 2023 a court decision affirms the right of these school districts to equality in funding
A long journey of over forty years
…akin to the Israelites wondering in the Deserts of Sinai
While some will despair …
I will rejoice
?…as truth finds its proper time and course for this Vox Clamantis in Deserto to meet it Kairos Moment
Last week further evidence these trickling’s of truth are permeating the bulwark of falsehood
Fifty years of obfuscation, complexity and mystifying a Simple Moral Truth are coming to the end of the road ?
As the House Committee instead of sending these bills into Study (Mercy Death) have breathed some slight light, warmth, and water on these four little seeds.
Yet this victory has nothing to do with Simple Moral Clarity
…pursuits of Altruism but purely Machiavellian Self Survival
Nothing has changed on the inside of the buildings on 107 North Main St, Concord but the very ground on which its is established finds its most ardent supporters hearing the other Vox Clamantis
…..The suffering voices of our neighbors, friends …constituents that have voted/supported us for many many decades
Such is the paradigm we now find ourselves within
The truths of life under an unfair school funding system that creates an inequality of various classes of citizens in New Hampshire
..can no longer stand !!
..as with each passing year it further diminishes the freedoms of its citizens who possess a declining quality of life.
To those who believe that government is the pursuit of the Greater Good that is the Tradition of New Hampshire where we have fused this Spirit of Liberty and Freedom of Opportunity
Like Webster …we will not be silent !!
We urge our leadership to reflect on the foundation of their consciousness
….finding the Political Courage and Wisdom to set this course aright
A Reckoning of Biblical Proportions is coming this Fall
…..which no one will avoid
Open your ears to ?
…the Vox Clamantis
…for these are the electorate of which your leadership finds its service
?As the Lord said
To those who have ears….Let then hear.
?....this is not going away
…as it is not a momentary thing
…But it is a New Hampshire Tradition of Simple Moral Clarity