Fernando Antezana-Suarez
Dear All, another subject that I bring to the table is vows and plans. I am referring to our beginning of the year vows, which we normally make, whether they are about diet, exercise, taking time with something or someone, or some goal that has not really been calculated and that the intentions are good but we know will not last.
Many times we make vows to ourselves, to others, to our children, or to someone in our circle of confidence. Many times these are not calculated but spontaneous, so most of the time, at the end, we do not fulfill them.
This is mainly critical for our children. If we say something like, I will go to your football or softball practice; you have to do it, no matter what; if not, the confidence will start to rot, and it can become a critical matter. Once they grow, they will not even let you know what is going on, if you understand what I mean, in all aspects of their lives.
Vows should not be made lightly; our words should have weight. Now a days, you make people sign documents or fingerprint registered documents if you can videotape them (I am exaggerating). Our words have lost their worth. Many years ago, their value was lost. When my grandfather said something, it was the law. Centuries ago, the words spoken were an affirmation of honor—that what you said was going to be done. Normally they assembled witnesses, and between both parties, they would exchange something as a seal of the matter, but words were really calculated and had a great weight; you were putting your reputation on the line.
Today, it is sad to say that each generation doesn't even give a thought to that, and as mentioned in other articles, we are in the generation of I cannot wait. We are missing so much. Apparently, progress or development is something good, but on that path, we have lost much. It really is like a wheel; at each particular moment, we are throwing away things, principles, etc.
We all plan our jobs; yes, we do, but do we plan our lives? What goal do I want to reach? A year past is a year gone. I am not being pessimistic, but I just want you to see that if you see the rear mirror of the car, the image is gone and will not return. So why not prepare yourself beforehand with what, when, and how you want to reach your goal without harming anyone or exposing others?
Small True Story
A colleague at my work sent his son to the UK. He was interviewed by a company, and they showed him the road map of what he could reach by taking different decisions. It was up to him to choose where he wanted to go.
We don't do that in life; most things are spontaneous; it depends on your character and the way you do things, how you choose what you choose, etc.
Plan your goal for the long term.
You should plan long-term; even if you do not reach it 100%, you have what we called a "professional frame and might more clearly know what future steps you should take. In this, you should always consider things that will also help others; this is like a tree that you plant, and it will bear fruit, hopefully for the good of not only you but others. Let's not be as self-centered as we are; I include myself clearly.
Don't do it alone; do it with the family. What you want to reach is not mainly money-wise; it should be all-encompassing. Of course, it's not easy to do that, but I assure you that it will be a wonderful experience and you will have a more clear idea of your future.
You can start with a two-year plan; if not, make it longer if you can, but you must define the ultimate goal or goals you want to reach in the long run.
I hope this helps and talks to us about what we could do to improve our lives.