Voting in person...
Voting tips fans,
If the deadline for mail-in ballots has passed (it has in PA), you'll have to go to the polls to vote in person.
Here's everything you need to know:
Also, during the Coronavirus lockdown:
- Bring your own black or blue pen (or use a shared one)
- Bring your own mask (or wear the disposable one they give you)
- Stay 6 feet from everyone
- Wash your hands before you leave home and as soon as you return
- Make sure your usual polling place hasn't moved. Some states are consolidating to fewer polls:
This is a critical election. Make sure your voice is heard. Get out and vote! And remind your friends to vote too! No excuses!
157 days till a real president...
#DontBeATrump #SadLittleDonny #ShakeOffTheTrumpStink #MakeAmericaHonorableAgain