The Votes Are In!!
Daran Adair
Author/Creator/Host of Restaurant's Round Table and Great Minds Sessions, CEO/Founder Ameri-Can Hospitality Consulting, Operations Expert
NO, not those votes. The votes on how long you feel it will take for the hospitality industry to bounce back, if it will at all.
Now this poll was answered by people living in both Canada and the US, and not surprisingly, seems to follow along with the expectations around the completion of the Covid-19 vaccinations. Or, at least to the point where many will feel safe again to venture out and start living life more like we used to, rather than what we have been doing for the last 10 months.
So, what do we do this this? Do we say, "Ok we have some time, let's start planning for this in June."? You could, but I think you would be way too late. Things change so quickly right now that waiting any longer to start planning for this will have you scrambling to catch up or being completely overwhelmed. We need to look at this, and the other data being shared around vaccination completion and government plans, to start building a phased approach with contingencies.
Where do you start? Good question. You start with where are you currently and what will your business look like(in your opinion) when it is operating fully, again. Then start building a flow chart of what it's going to take to get there, and how long it will take to achieve those items. Look at the items that are critical to making this happen. This could be staffing, this could be food availability, this could be new technologies, this could be many things. Once you have those critical items, then start working on the path to getting them taken care of. Once that is done, move onto your secondary level needs. Etc, etc...
Now, don't forget that things can change on us at a moments notice, so you also need to build in a way to accelerate or slow down your plans. You need to be flexible and willing to adjust on the fly. If you have created options and contingency plans, that is a lot easier to do.
At Ameri-Can Hospitality Consulting, we can help you develop your flowchart and plan back to success. Reach out to me at [email protected] and we would love to help you find your path back to success!