Vote with your Wallet

Vote with your Wallet


July 1st 2024

Ayukpachi” Welcome,

Do you seek life more abundantly with liberty and the pursuit of happy times??

“You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end, each of us must work for his own improvement and, at the same time, share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful.” —Marie Curie

If we are to be considered change agents then we are allowed to order things outside of ourselves because we have foundationally ordered our own interior. Environmental ethics begins at mindfulness - mandating a stricter focus on individual responsibility.

As I go deeper within, to illuminate a sustainable pathway, let us continue to celebrate special education, group recreation and heritage preservation.

"I’ll read you something pretty . . .”

“People are unreasonable, illogical and self centered; love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, alternative motives; do good anyway.

The biggest people with the biggest ideas can be shut down by the smallest people with the smallest minds; think big anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight; build anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you’ll be kicked into defeat; give the world the best you’ve got anyway." —Hedy Lamarr

The main focus of our July Newsletter is consumer education and the importance of character development. We emphasize the need for a hyperfocus on ourselves and our teaching as quintessential to build back a better world.

Thus, we illustrate the significance of respecting the principles of pre-colonial societies, particularly supporting Native “American” communities.

It brings us great joy to provide hospitality and culinary art information about available courses on wine pairing with proteins like fish, wild game, and birds, as well as details about Chickasaw Nation farmshare foods, including corn, beans, squash, and other produce.

Grace and Courtesy

  • The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) reminds beachgoers to help protect nesting sea turtles, shorebirds, seabirds, and wading birds during the Fourth of July weekend.
  • People can help by giving these animals space, removing beach furniture and trash, keeping beaches clean and dark, and leaving personal fireworks at home.
  • Beachgoers should give nesting birds at least 300 feet of space and nesting sea turtles at least 50 feet of space.
  • Posted nesting sites and Critical Wildlife Areas should be avoided.
  • Trash, beach toys, and furniture should be removed from the beach before sunset, and exterior lighting should be shielded to avoid disorienting turtles.
  • Personal fireworks should be left at home, and pets should be kept on a short leash or at home.

All with a selfless connection to our lands and maintaining respect for sharing natural resources are welcome here. Golden Naturalism is a faith-based philosophy that encourages contact hours within our natural world. Saints, scientists, people leaders, public servants and stewards promise to advocate for rehabilitation and cultural humility within the great outdoors.

Featured are our Chickasaw Nation’s sustainable farming and hunting practices of personal accountability. Gaining a wealth of funds of ancient knowledge may inculcate mindfulness within our own actions. “Golden Naturalism” involves spending ample time in nature for restoration.

Lastly, grandfather often reminded me to be like the ant who gathers in the Summer.

All aboard the Butterfly Bus as we journey for change . . .

NEW WEBSITE LAUNCH: To Be Announced in 2025.

Patience is fruitage.

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LinkedIn ?? chrysalis-practice

“Muskogean (also Muskhogean, Muskogee) is a Native American language family spoken in different areas of the Southeastern United States. Though the debate concerning their interrelationships is ongoing, the Muskogean languages are [Alabama, Seminole, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Muscogee (previously referred to as Creek), Koasati, and Mikasuki, as well as the now-extinct Apalachee, Houma, and Hitchiti] generally divided into two branches, Eastern Muskogean and Western Muskogean. Typologically, Muskogean languages are agglutinative. One documented language, Apalachee, is extinct and the remaining languages are critically endangered.”



PUBLIC RELATIONS: for immediate release

Contact: [email protected]

Maryland Citizen Science Challenge

October 1st 2024 - October 1st 2026

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed by the 44th US President - December 10, 2015

Education Act (ESEA) upgraded the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)

Four pillars of reform:?

(1) access to learning opportunities focused on higher-order thinking skills

(2) multiple measures of equity

(3) resource equity

(4) evidence-based interventions.?

Evidence-Based Interventions Under the ESSA

Walk & talk therapy is used to address the root causes of delinquent behavior, such as trauma and mental health issues. Integtated therapy may be used to teach participants skills in mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. These skills are essential for individuals in recovery to manage their emotions, cope with cravings, and build healthy relationships.


Historically Underserved Community Outreach

Geo-Tagging: At-Risk, Threatened & Endangered Species?

***Start with the Big Picture - Macrosystem “The Ordered Universe”

“The task of teaching becomes easy, since we do not need to choose what we shall teach, but should place all before him for the satisfaction of his mental appetite.? He must have absolute freedom of choice, and then he requires nothing but repeated experiences which will become increasingly marked by interest and serious attention, during his acquisition of some desired knowledge." —Dr. Maria Montessori (To? Educate the Human Potential, p. 5.)

Tribal Lands
Prior to illegal European-settlement the counties of Maryland were agreed upon Assateague, Choptank, Piscataway, Nanticoke, Susquehanna, and Powhatan territories.

Special Project Journal:? A Community for Naturalists · iNaturalist

National Heritage Areas Program (U.S. National Park Service) Site(s): Critical Management Areas for Preservation and Conservation?

Allegany County, Anne Arundel County, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Calvert County, Caroline County, Carroll County, Cecil County, Charles County, Dorchester County, Frederick County, Garrett County, Harford County, Howard County, Kent County, Montgomery County, Prince George's County, Queen Anne's County, Talbot County, St. Mary's County, Somerset County, Washington County, Wicomico County, Worcester County


What will military dependents, immigrant-migrants & maltreated youth do with their lives?

Citizen Science Boom!

Annual subscribers are provided virtual guidance for individuals seeking national Naturalist certification. We offer self-paced courses with modules for timed completion. Our GREEN EZine (on restorative justice topics, and a free digital digest will continue to highlight circular economics and green Wall Street news. Additionally, we provide seasonal field guides with lesson plans and activity sheets. Our firm has received high praise for its innovative approaches and data visualization. Our rare, threatened or endangered species field guides inform wildlife monitoring and frame modern interpretation techniques in historical regions.

Our focus is on encouraging global social entrepreneurship concerning child welfare in order to support sustainable outcomes for children and families.
We believe in enrichment programs, community day centers & outdoor recreation for all.

Obviously, knowledge of sociology, psychology and anthropology with strong observation, research, and communication skills are required to work with underserved communities and individuals to examine behavior and decision-make. Knowledge of unbiased principles and equitable processes may be informed by a needs assessment to meet quality standards for service posture.

Parks & Recreation: A study of the socio-economic relevance of funding nature-based sporting, outdoor fitness and recreation is our cornerstone. The Montessori method of people leading encourages grace and courtesy in accepting individual responsibility. In this context, popular interest in tracking signs of wildlife for hunting, freshwater and deep sea fishing specifically unites language and cultural groups.

To avoid undesirable impact to our territory and associated wildlife Naturalists are invited to participate and engage in supervised contact hours.
Site visit planning at an individual, household or cohort level should not exceed ten individuals.

Small group work allows outdoor classroom presenters (serving as docent trail guides) to beneficially manage mistakes in the field. If environmental ethics and behavioral programming are rooted in common sense then Restorative Justice is achievable because of the implementation of indigenous perspectives. Reconnecting natives are a postcolonial bridge between the documented and undocumented 1st nation citizens of Turtle Island (USA).

Tribal Tradition & Artisanal Goods

The Chickasaw Nation is made of farmers, fishers, and hunter-gatherers who seasonally eco-toured throughout the Mississippi valley region. The food that our tribe eats includes crops of beans, corn, and squash known as “The three sisters” throughout the American lexicon. Due to ramifications of genocide and gentrification, our postcolonial diet includes pork, peaches, apricots, blackberries, wild cherries, melons, watermelon, apples and wheat.

Our ancient society did not utilize traditional agriculture instead served as land managers. Historically, the men tracked & killed deer and rabbits. Chickasaw men also sustainably hunted buffalo, bears, wild turkeys, and fish obtained by lengthy eco traveling along the Mississippi and Ohio rivers.

Our techniques for hunting included cultivating wild crops to attract free-range game.

Our diet is fortified by forage harvesting hickory nuts, seeds, fruits, roots and medicinal herbs.




Native Cellars ? Tribal Beverages


*Proteins to Prepare for White Wine Pairing:?

Bass Fish: White Bass, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass

Shad Fish:? American Gizzard Shad and Threadfin Shad


Yellow Bullhead Fish

Sunfish: Green Sunfish, Longear Sunfish

Shiner Fish: Blacktail Shiner, Bigeye Shiner, Sand Shiner

Freshwater Drum Fish

Silverside Fish: Inland Silverside


Walleye Fish

Killfish: Plains Killifish

Crappie: White Crappie

Catfish: Blue Catfish, Flathead Catfish, Channel Catfish

Hare: Black-tailed Jack Rabbit

Birds: Bobwhite Quail, Goose, WIld Turkey

*Proteins to Prepare for Red Wine Pairing:

Whitetail Deer




Corn: Wild Maize, Pod Corn, Merlin's Indian Corn or Sweet Corn, Tom Thumb Corn, Corn Smut

Potatoes: Red/Dinner

Beans: Red, Black-eyed, Cherokee Trail of Tears, Hidatsa Shield, and True Red Cranberry, Trailing bean, Thicket bean, Bush beans, Pole beans


Onions: Wild or "Spring"



North American Squash: Pattypan

North, Central & South American Squash: (Summer yield) Yellow or Crookneck

South American Squash: (Winter yield) Hubbard, Buttercup and Acorn Squash

African Gourd: Bottle gourd, Calabash, or Birdhouse gourd, Luffa

Pepper: (wild) Chiltepin

Blackberries, Southern Dewberries

Plums: Purple; Yellow

Grapes: Possum


Honey: Raw

Sunflower: Oil & Seeds

*Course Instruction Available.

Product price points are subject to change - ranging from $20-45 per bottle.

*Invitation courtesy of Vinter

Jason Elkin, Sommelier


Space is limited to first come-first served.?

Request: Fall Free-Trial (Waitlist)

Subject: Beta Test

To collaborate contact: [email protected]

What to Expect

The new website aims to feature a user-friendly interface, allowing you to easily navigate through our various offerings.

We invite you to join our community of passionate tree huggers and help us create a more sustainable future. Together, we can make a positive impact on our planet and inspire others to do the same. ?


Education & Training

Preliminary Exercises: Clustering physical AND cognitive team building activities allows for discrete screening by practitioners administering group, pair or individual therapies.

Care for the Person: Standards for overnight night stays or day trips includes instructions on medical procedures, hygiene/professional grooming or appropriate dress and emergency preparedness.

Care for the Environment: Contributing to seasonal park maintenance and yearly land management techniques (before and after natural disasters) concern historic buildings, trails/trail heads, rest areas, ecotones and forest clearing.

Hospitality: Teaching mealtime etiquette and rest area policies centers around public health and food safety.

Certified Naturalist Corps ? Fireside Chat

Evaluate to Act

Analyze to Assess

Intervene to Adjust

  • How are pollution, the health of people, and the planet are inextricably linked? Development aims to observe and document the relationship between climate change and critical needs, adverse experiences, and unfavorable outcomes of incarcerated youth/minor adults. The disadvantaged population being serviced, supported, and receiving intervention treatment includes people with disabilities who experience stress/trauma. People coping with dependency related diseases, delays or disabilities who are disenfranchised minorities; people with disabilities who are unregistered tribal minorities; people with disabilities who identify as Black, Indigenous or Latino; people with disabilities who are or were “Wards” of the court; or people with disabilities adversely affected by persistent poverty or inequality based on social, economic or financial disadvantage.
  • The extent to which contact hours offer methods, procedures, and technology that maximize the full inclusion and integration into society, employment, independent living, family support, and economic and social self- sufficiency of individuals with disabilities, especially those with the highest support needs under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (Act)
  • The extent to which assisted technology and adaptive materials for psychomotor development is likely to be effective in accomplishing physical, socio-emotional? and cognitive treatments is quintessential to meeting self sufficiency objectives.?
  • Montessori activity design credibility of each proposed area of work highlighting current research studies; demonstrating knowledge of healing trauma in our natural world.
  • Didactic material design credibility of? the proposed citizen science project in employing community living and participation; health and function; and employment to develop a national standard or improved guidelines for master naturalist/gardener certification.
  • Credibility of Nature Pedagogy per the proposed project employing appropriate samples in standardized tests, scientific trials, and psychomotor development activities.
  • Ecotourism credibility of the proposed citizen science project conducting naturalist activities in appropriate outdoor environment(s).
  • Explain what input from individuals coping with disabilities and other key stakeholders is obtained to establish and guide proposed psychomotor development activities.
  • Identify and justify the stage(s) of development for proposed impact strategies; and activities associated with each stage.

Character Counts: Psychomotor development may be defined by Montessori concepts that link physical and cognitive developmental paths by integrating academic subjects into didactic units.?

Example: Caring for the outdoor environment offers modified practical life experiences such as land stewardship. Work may include: upcycled wood working, beautification and historical site restoration; controlled burns, weeding, uprooting noxious and/or invasive plants; preparing soil for native plant propagation; tracking wildlife to document signs and characteristics. Direct aims associated with the aforementioned include: gross/fine motor movement, proximodistal coordination, land management, concentration and core competencies. Indirect aims include: empathy; integrity

Assumptions: Youth have the will and desire; cognitive and physical ability to significantly understand and engage with the world around them with or without adult support or ladders of leadership.?

Implications: “We need to observe and play a part in the leaf’s journey from growth to decay, and consider and value its unobservable participation in the ecosystem as a whole” (Warden. p. 8).

NAEYC standards?

Section I Ethical Responsibilities to Children

I-1.5—To create and maintain safe and healthy settings that foster children’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development and that respect their dignity and their contributions.?

I-1.8—To support the right of each child to play and learn in an inclusive environment that meets the needs of children with and without disabilities

I-1.10—To ensure that each child’s culture, language, ethnicity, and family structure are recognized and valued in the program.

I-1.12—To work with families to provide a safe and smooth transition as children and families move from one program to the next.

?“He learns without knowing he is learning, treading always in the paths of joy.” ~Montessori? (The Absorbent Mind, p. 26.)

Question for Meditation: How shall Advocates for children, youth and their families cultivate creativity and empathy in early childhood learners whilst safeguarding curiosity and culture??

Sample Thought Leadership: Hospitality, Food & Beverages

“An appropriate strategy to celebrate (historically underserved) language in-groups is to organize programming to facilitate classroom community meal planning and preparation via the practical and culturally diverse nature of culinary art.”

— Alicia Alexandra Nichols, Founder of Certified Naturalist?

Furthermore, The Montessori Method offers a culturally humble framework - encouraging caregiver participation and engagement. The Montessori method seeks to appreciate the developmental niche of each individual pupil in the context of their home culture for the purpose of academic success. This methodology supports core competencies and workforce development within an inclusive environment. The aforementioned family-centered approach endeavors to offer graceful transitions between home and the classroom.

Special Thanks to the Sunshine State Company

Hidden Gems: Florida's Secluded Beach Towns

Florida is renowned for its stunning beaches, but beyond the well-trodden tourist spots lie hidden coastal treasures waiting to be discovered.

Visitors to Florida's hidden beach towns can enjoy a variety of activities, including:

  • Relaxing on less crowded beaches: Many of these towns offer a more tranquil beach experience compared to popular tourist destinations.
  • Fishing and kayaking: Turtle Beach and Vero Beach, in particular, are known for their excellent fishing and kayaking opportunities.
  • Boating and snorkeling: Bahia Honda State Park offers shallow waters perfect for snorkeling and observing sea turtles, while Vero Beach is a haven for boating enthusiasts.
  • Exploring local shops and restaurants: Lido Key boasts a charming shopping district, and Vero Beach has a thriving food scene with diverse culinary options.
  • Enjoying nature and wildlife: Bill Baggs State Park provides a secluded beach experience near Miami, and Tigertail Beach offers a unique landscape.

Make America Native Again

If you're seeking a tranquil beach escape away from the crowds, consider these secluded options:

  • Pass-A-Grille Beach: Nestled near Tampa Bay, this beach offers a quieter alternative to Clearwater Beach while still being conveniently close to the city center.
  • Lido Key: Located near Sarasota, Lido Key is known for proximity to the beautiful Siesta Key Beach and charming shopping district.
  • St. Augustine Area: This historic beach town on Florida's Atlantic coast boasts a Chesapeake Bay-like aesthetic and is located near the 13th biggest city in the United States.
  • Indian Rocks Beach: Situated near Tampa, Indian Rocks Beach provides a less crowded option compared to Clearwater Beach, with a strong residential community feel.
  • Watercolor and 30A District: These towns near Destin and Panama City Beach are known for their emerald green waters and offer a more laid-back atmosphere.
  • Turtle Beach: Located near Sarasota, Turtle Beach is a great spot for fishing and kayaking, with beautiful white sand and limited access points.
  • Vero Beach: This Atlantic seaboard town is a haven for fishing and boating enthusiasts, with a thriving food and restaurant culture featuring seafood, Italian, and fusion cuisine.
  • Bill Baggs State Park: Situated near Miami Beach, this park offers a secluded beach experience away from the bustling South Florida crowds.
  • Tigertail Beach: Located just south of Sarasota, Tigertail Beach was once a sandbar that is now connected to the mainland post-hurricane.
  • Bahia Honda State Park: This shallow water area near Pine Key and Key West is a prime spot for snorkeling and observing sea turtles, and is also known as a fishing capital with a vibrant charter boat scene.


Copyright ? 2022-2024 Certified Naturalist Corps. All Rights Reserved.

Dr. Yinka D.

Queen of New Beginnings | Intl Admissions & Scholarships Expert | LinkedIn AI Income Trainer | Helping people navigate transitions with clarity & confidence to rewrite their stories, embrace opportunities & growth

7 个月

"The biggest people with the biggest ideas can be shut down by the smallest people with the smallest minds." --- and you can say that again for the people at the back. BUT, HEY... THINK BIG ANYWAY... I love that. You must be yourself, otherwise you will end up as a poor imitation of someone else... Thanks for sharing these thoughts, Alicia Alexandra N. . Thank you ??

Carl Burrows

* Actor/Producer/Occasional Stuntman SAG-AFTRA*AEA * Property/Location Manager @ Carl "Doc" Burrows Youtube: carl doc burrows

8 个月

Happy July Alicia Alexandra! ??????????????????????


Alicia Alexandra N.的更多文章

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