Gary Brunson
CEO. Consult, Coach, Mentor, Train Business Owners, Leaders & Professionals to Grow & Develop Productively & Profitably.
Today you can vote. If you have, thank you. If you haven't already, please do.
Why? It's your privilege, your right, your responsibility.
And it's important because? You are one of 330,000,000 citizens who need to be heard.
Internal barriers: I'm not important? YOU ARE IMPORTANT. I'm not sure who to vote for? Go to the poles and make a mark. If you are happy with what is happening around you, then vote for the same. If you are not happy with what is happening around you, vote for those wanting a chance to make things different. I'm not engaged or I'm not political? By being a U.S Citizen, you are automatically engaged. With the role of citizen comes responsibilities and expectations, one of which is to vote.
Other reasons for voting today? I'm 73, white, male with all the privilege that has afforded me without me even being aware of it. My female ancestors could not vote until the mid 1900's. I have been shocked to gain understanding of what suffering women and persons of color and all persons of ethnic origins other than those who wrote our constitution have endured to win the rights I have and you have as citizens of the U.S.A. How could any of us even consider not voting on this day!