To vote or not to vote
Well, this could be a pretty touchy subject for some, but not all. I am going to make it short and sweet. In my humble opinion, everyone should vote. Even if your candidate doesn't make it to the general election, as American's we have been given the right to vote.
Not voting to me is an act of cowardice. Not voting gives you NO VOICE!. Not voting is a slap in the face of the brave men and women who have sacrificed so much for our country. Most gave some and some gave all,
So as an American, I believe it is our Patriotic duty to vote. Sometimes it means voting for the one you don't believe has necessarily all the qualifications. The question you want the other guy or gal to win then?
So, just my two cents worth. I'm sure I've riled a few feathers. Frankly, don't care. It's our country, and it's our children's and grand children's future. Let's not screw this one up for them.