Vote! For a License to Steal

Vote! For a License to Steal

The Democrat relief bill, the ultimate babbling of the Dembeciles, I’m embarrassed to say was also passed by the Republicans is another bait and switch scam on the American people. Now that even Republicans see that Trump has been blatantly cheated out of a second term, it’s alright for them to continue to join Dembeciles in the great Congressional and deep state scams they think you and I are too stupid or too lazy to figure out. And they know their fellow Congressmen are far too lazy to read a 5,593 page bill. War and Peace is only 1,200 pages long and took Tolstoy six years to write, it only took self-serving Congress vultures a few days to include their personal bounty in a 2.5 trillion insult to working Americans:

Formation of a horse race track commission

A presidential library for Teddy Roosevelt

Debt forgiveness for many businesses given relief money

Museums honoring women and Latinos

7 billion to expand high-speed internet

1 billion for high-speed internet specifically for tribes

Pell grants for incarcerated students

25 million money to Pakistan for democracy and gender programs

85.5 million for assistance to Cambodia

134 million for Burma

1.3 billion for Egypt

505 million for Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama

And maybe the most ludicrous of all, the text of the Tibet Policy and Support Act, a bill that delineates how the United States should recognize a successor to the current Dalai Lama.

I ask you, what the hell does all that have to do with suffering Americans?

And who knows how much more in the 5,593 pages. The fact is some of it I’d likely support, but it should come before Congess, before the American people, as individual requests, not buried in an “either this or nothing” insult.

When there’s any critical bill in congress, every scum sucking pig attacks like hogs on a rotting corpse or the vultures they continue to prove themselves to be. As they slip, hopefully unnoticed, pork for those who’ve donated knowing that suffering Americans won’t care how much is wasted so long as they are helped. It’s like knowing the medicine you’re given will likely save your life, but has side-effects. You’ll live with a lower libido or loss of hair, but you’ll live.

Among a long list of reforms that should be brought to Congess is outlawing riders. But don’t expect Congress to regulate themselves. After all, their personal campaign accounts wouldn’t grow to a hundred million or so should they do so. Who’s to blame them? I am, that’s who, and so should you. Campaign posters should be forced to include, Please Vote For Me For A License To Steal.

Join me on and register. Now more than ever we need rational voices in America.


