About VOS's Well-being Tests
VOS Well-being Tests

About VOS's Well-being Tests

Most of us have a thermometer or even a pressure gauge at home to check up on our physical health. We wanted to give you an opportunity to self-check on your mental health too. We present to you a range of well-being tests that can help you to recognize whether you are likely to handle your struggles on your own, or you should find professional support; discover your strengths and work on your weaknesses.

Because usually a psychologist is taking the test with you and summarizing recommendations, we also recommended some steps that you might consider taking based on your result. We save your previous answers, so you can compare your results and see how you develop over time.

What to have in mind?

Like it is with every self-assessment questionnaire, other factors can also play a role. Your expectation of the result is probably the most important one, so try to answer the questions honestly. Take the results of the questionnaires as food for thought rather than as a diagnosis.

And now, let us introduce to you some of our VOS Well-being Tests:

Satisfaction With Life

The Satisfaction With Life Scale is a tool to measure how you evaluate your life, integrating together all major life domains. It gives you an opportunity to reflect on your life and see how you’re currently perceiving the quality of your life. When your results are high, congratulations. You are currently satisfied with how your life is going. For the cases when your results are lower, it's an opportunity for you to reflect on areas in your life and make some changes. Also, it doesn't have to be bad to have a bad period. You never know what meaning the current situation will have in your life. And by time maybe you will see that the difficult times pointed you into the right direction and got you to the place where you belong.


Self-compassion is the practice of treating oneself with the same kindness, understanding, and care that one would offer to others in times of suffering or failure. Instead of ignoring your pain or criticizing yourself for shortcomings, self-compassion encourages acknowledging your difficulties and comforting yourself. It allows room for self-improvement, not because you are unacceptable as you are, but because you care about your own well-being. Overall, self-compassion means honoring and accepting your humanness, understanding that failure and suffering are inevitable aspects of life that everyone experiences. This questionnaire will give you an overview of your self-compassion.

Locus Of Control

Locus of Control is a psychological concept that refers to how individuals perceive the control over their lives. Do you feel that you're in the driver's seat, shaping your life's path (internal locus of control)? Or do you believe that external forces, like fate, luck, or circumstances, hold the steering wheel (external locus of control)? The reality is not that you have either an external or internal LOC. Most people are somewhere on a spectrum between the two.

Keep in mind that no result is good or bad. It's just a matter of which strategy you choose most often. You need to think about each situation separately and evaluate which response is better right now.

These were just some questionnaires we have in the VOS. There are more right in the app. We hope they help you on your journey of self-discovery.


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