Volunteers Week 1-7 June
Guernsey Employment Trust
GET supports disabled and disadvantaged people to prepare for, find and maintain work in Guernsey.
1. What is your name and a bit about you - hobbies and interests. An Interesting fact about you as a person.?
Anne Setters, retired Lecturer for the Guernsey College, I enjoy running (slowly), walking, knitting and even swimming (in the summer).?I have 6 children and 6 grandchildren and I love spending time with them all.
2. What is your role at/ for GET and what does it involve?
I am an IT trainer.?I taught office administration for over 20 years and IT was a major part of my job so it was easy for me to adapt and use resources.?I try to find topics that will interest each student and give them more confidence with IT.??
3. What made you want to volunteer for GET??
Someone mentioned that GET was looking for someone to teach IT skills to clients.?I spoke to Nikki and we agreed to start the classes.?Unfortunately, this happened just before the first lock-down so the past two years have been quite challenging for all.
4. What tips or advice (if any) do you have for others looking to volunteer?
I would advise any volunteer to find somewhere where their skills will be of use and appreciated.?We all have skills that someone else needs to learn.
5. Anything further to add?
The staff at GET have been extremely welcoming.?I have been invited to many events – leaving parties, Christmas lunches etc and they have made me feel part of the team.?I hope I add something to what GET has to offer its clients as I have enjoyed getting to know the staff and all my ‘students’.