Volunteer Day

Every year the entire Heritage Bank NW team comes together to give back to the community


This year, I volunteered with The Auburn Food Bank, a wonderful local nonprofit that does so many wonderful things for the community.

A little history of the Auburn Food Bank. Besides feeding over 600 individuals a day (150 families) they also make student backpacks each weekend, they also feed students on the weekend and make holiday baskets.

  • They have a limited home delivery for “in-bound” seniors
  • They provide job training and financial assistance to those in jeopardy of losing their home or having their power shut off.
  • They help with emergency prescription needs.
  • They also have a program called “Ray of Hope Resource Center” (about 60 people daily) on the property and “Sundown Shelter” (about 45 people) which offers a place to sleep at night.
  • They also allow 12-16 safe parking at the shelter at night.

Thank you, Heritage Bank, for allowing employees to spend an afternoon giving back to our local community organizations.





