Volume 37

Volume 37

In This Week's Newsletter:

  • Culture Corner: A Company Built with Consultants in Mind
  • Opportunity Spotlight of the Week: Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO) Platforms Support
  • AI Corner: Why Proposal Technologies Are Sought After
  • Four To Follow: Get the lowdown on four interesting pursuits

Hinz Consulting: A Company Built with Consultants in Mind

Contact Angela: [email protected]

In early 2014, a trio of seasoned professionals gathered, after years of witnessing the industry’s shortcomings, and embarked on a journey to build a company that would address these issues. Their vision was to create a proposal consulting firm that would revolutionize the industry by addressing three core problems:

  1. Work-Life Balance: They observed a complete lack of work-life balance in the industry and aimed to rectify this in their company.
  2. Freedom and Choice: They believed in the freedom to choose the people they work with and for, fostering a positive and productive work environment.
  3. Service to the Gig Economy: They identified a lack of services being provided to the “gig economy” of proposal consulting, which they believed was key to growth.

The founders sought to fill a void in the marketplace: service to the consulting community. They heard that consultants often felt pressured to market themselves, while firms merely collected a portion of their wages. The founders proposed a model that aligned with the belief that the consulting community could be better served by a firm built with their concerns at the forefront.

10 years later, this philosophy is still one of the guiding principles at Hinz Consulting!

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Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO) Platforms Support

Contact Len: [email protected]

This is the potential recompete of the estimated $3.2B contract held by Booz Allen Hamilton, which is scheduled to expire in March 2026.? Planning was underway, but according to FEDSIM First Friday earlier in July all CDAO requirements are still in a “hold/pause status”.? The estimate on this recompete is $2.9B but if this stays within FEDSIM we will have to see what price range CDAO assigns. ?Maybe there is still time to form a team to get a capture underway! Reach out to Hinz Consulting today for support.?

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Why Proposal Technologies Are Sought After

Contact Josh: [email protected]

You understand the value of technology creating efficiencies, but do you know the efficiencies as they pertain to proposals? These tools are fundamentally designed to assist your business in crafting, correcting, and disseminating sales proposals, quotes, and responses to RFPs and tenders. The utilization of dedicated proposal management software can significantly enhance your processes, leading to a higher win rate. It is this potential for improved efficiency and win rates that is driving the demand for proposal software.

Technology Impacting the Proposal Industry buckets into 5 categories.? As you search the internet or run into software at trade shows, the technology will often fall into these categories, which makes it easier to steer towards a solution that meets your needs.

  1. Go To Market (GTM) AI and Software
  2. Proposal Management Software
  3. Gen AI Software
  4. Editing Software
  5. Pricing AI and Software

If you want to learn and discuss more about the software that is right for your organization, reach out to Hinz AI Center of Excellence.

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Four to Follow:

  1. GSA ALLIANT 3: A modification was issued on 16 July to change the date questions are due to 4 pm ET on 2 August. ?GSA still intends to issue a pre-recorded Pre-Proposal Conference after the questions have all been received, but they have not yet committed to a specific date. ?Q&A is expected to be released on/about 23 August. Proposals are currently due NLT 28 October via the Symphony proposal submission portal.
  2. National Education Campaign and Outreach Contract (NEC): HHS/CMS released a modification on 15 July to provide the link to the Pre-Solicitation Conference that is being held from 11 am to 12:30 pm ET on 25 July. ?Additionally, questions on the draft SOW and being collected today, 18 July.
  3. Energy IDIQ III: We are now expecting this RFP to be released by USAID in early August for the recompete of this $1.5B MA/IDIQ. ?It is anticipated there will be SB, Full/Open, and Partial SB awards made on this effort by the end of September 2025. There are currently 9 incumbent contracts.
  4. Comprehensive Construction and Engineering (C2E): There was a Determination and Findings (D & F) for Consolidation released by Special Notice on 15 July for this estimated $15B recompete of the MA/IDIQ vehicle. ?The D & F appears to have resulted in a decision by the Air Force to plan two separate IDIQ contractors into one acquisition. ?Awards are anticipated to be across an SBSA Track (15 SB awards: ?3 8(a), 2 WOSB, 1 SDVOSB, and 1 HUBZone with the remaining 7 awards to SB firms) and 12 awards to Full/Open Track firms which is to also include 1 8(a) firm. ?Solicitation is still estimated in late September / early October and awards sometime in the 2nd Quarter of GFY 2025.

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About Hinz Consulting

Hinz Consulting provides services across the full business development cycle:

  • Proposal Consulting
  • AI Services
  • Strategic Pricing
  • Training
  • Capture
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • BD Transformation Consulting
  • Process/Methodology Consulting
  • Tools and Templates
  • Production Services
  • Small Business


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