Volume 3: Raspberry Pi 4 as a router
Aaron Wagner
CISSP, consultant, creative thinker #cybersecurity #msp #networksecurity #insformation security #endpoint protection #vulnerability management #vpn #zero trust #zerotrust #Information Security Manager
This is the easiest way to make one with the latest update.
The 2GB unit is sold out but more than enough.
ASIX AX88179 chipset USB 3.0 Network card if you want to plug it into a switch
Source for this article: https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/106967/setting-up-raspberry-pi-4b-to-be-a-wifi-access-point
Raspberry Pi 4 sources provided by the Raspberry Pi Foundation are Linux >= 4.19. OpenWrt 18.06 is based on Linux 4.9 and OpenWrt 19.07 is based on Linux 4.14, so you need to use the snapshots builds, which are based on Linux 4.19:
Download rpi-4-ext4-factory.img.gz and write the image to the SD-Card.
I used Win32 disk imager: https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/
Snapshot builds do not include the web interface, the LuCi package. Therefore, follow the procedure:
1. Connect to the Raspberry Pi's terminal via SSH.
2. Update package list of OpenWrt: opkg update
3. Install LuCi package which is the web interface configuration mode: opkg install luci
To add USB network card: opkg install kmod-usb-net-asix-ax88179
After installing Luci you will have a web interface you can use to install packages and finish the rest of the setup. If you need to change network card settings before you get to Luci you can use: vi /etc/config/network
In vi you need to press the insert key to edit and the esc key the :x to save it and exit
More references that help: