Volume 1 Edition 11: The Learning Curve Part 1
Daniel (Dan) Bloom SPHR, SSBB
Empowering the transition to strategic HR operations in business
Welcome to another edition of the Traveling along the TLS Continuum newsletter. This week we want to take the question about attitudes towards continuous process improvement a step further and address your expectations in entering the improvement effort.
?If you accept the notion that continuous process improvement is a journey, you also understand that for the most part you have to make preparations to begin that journey. Taken from the work of Peter Senge, we can create the graphic show below to plan our journey.
?As we explained in the Change Maestro’s Roadmap Newsletter Edition 9, the first step is gaining knowledge of the process. The process of gaining knowledge comprises five (5) steps as shown below and in next weeks issue.
?Stage 1: Widespread generation of Information
The gaining of knowledge needs to be spread across the entire organization. We achieve this by setting boundaries of what should be included. Much like planning out your route on the next family trip. As discussed in the Improvement Kata, we need to establish the systems that will govern the journey. Where are you know and where do you want to go. Widespread generation of information requires that we establish a specific way we are going to communicate the results. Our Centers of Excellence come into play by building robust banks of data on how we are performing.
?Stage 2: Knowledge integration and dissemination
Once again, our centers of excellence play a major role in this effort. Like the family trip, we don’t usually do so by edict. The destination is usually planned out with the input from the entire family unit. In continuous process improvement we seek to build bridges to involve all the effected parties. One aspect of this is to utilize a system of open dialogue. Take note we did not say discussion. The intent is to get the input from as many directions as possible.
One of the key characteristics of a cross-functional team is the inclusion of a diversity of backgrounds, experiences and training. We want to ensure that we have identified as many of the target challenges as are available. We may narrow down those challenges to in the long run, but we want to start with a macro view of the business ecosystem.
We need to avoid the Adrienne Path notation of looking in the mirror and feeling like we are not there. If an individual or a function touches the process they should be involved in the dialogue. This may occur in a series of organizational meetings or as one large one, using the world café model. The direction of the dialogue should be guided by limiting the process to one issue at a time.
A useful tool is to open a dialogue into the use of learning maps. This can be done through the use of such programs as Free Mind or Draw,io
In constructing the learning maps, consider the use of the Gola Tree, the initial box is your problem or current state. The next stage looks at the critical success factors. What is required for you to achieve the end of the trip. From there what do you need to achieve the critical success factors.
?Stage 3: Spirit of Inquiry
The TLS Continuum requires a new mindset. Your job is now that of a human capital management scientist. When we have a problem, we treat it as an experiment, and we question everything. Like your high school or college science classes we enact the scientific method.
1.??? We define our problem
2.??? We measure its performance
3.??? We analyze the data
4.??? We create steps to improve the process
5.??? We institute process steps to control future performance
?The critical factor of the TLS Continuum is to create an understanding of how we do things and why. We gain that understanding by guided trial and error. We gain that understanding by doing. Walk the process using the Gemba Walk. Learn what the problem is, how it effects the organization as a whole both internally and externally and create the new normal to make the process better.
?Next week we will look at the remaining factors of the Learning Flow – Collective interpretation, Process ownership and Creating the new Normal.
?Need assistance with your own journey down the TLS Continuum? Drop an email to [email protected] or book a time at https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/TRavelingalongtheTLSContinuum@ NETORG5223078.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/ and request a half hour free Microsoft Teams session with us to discuss your situation and how we may be able to help.
?About the author:?Daniel Bloom?knows HR and Change Management. He’s a speaker on transformational HR, a strategic HR consultant and trainer. Thank you for subscribing to this newsletter. The best strategy that I ever undertook was earning my SPHR and the Six Sigma Black Belt. You can? start along the same path as we present live our ?six week Road to Operational Excellence - The Human Capital Edition Yellow Belt Certification course..
For more information visit https://dbaiconsulting.com/tls-continnuum-master-seminars
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