Voices in my head
Voices in my head
I have been sitting here for an hour and a bit more trying to put into words the voices bumbling around in my head. Each concept fighting for dominance seeks to come to the front of my thoughts, each failing as another race for recognition.
Russia, Ukraine, War, Prayer, Peace, Frustration, the list goes on with each idea never solidifying never taking shape. Yet still, I sit here. Words have opportunities to infiltrate the minds of those who hear or read them, they have the power to influence and advise. So, I fight to come up with words.
Words to encourage and express concern. Words to support those who are fighting for their lives while not condemning those who are fighting without any knowledge of why. Soldiers ask why they are shooting at their brothers while politicians are simply screaming, they are the enemy. Words that help, words that explain, words that heal. Yet no words come, no words to fill ease the voices in my head.
The world needs words to heal the breach, words to stop the pain, to end the horror. Yet what words do we hear? There are those who struggle to bring truth to the conversation, asking real questions to real people. There are those willing to answer, willing to be honest. Words to offer hope or at least perspective.
What voices race through your head seeking an audience? What words would you like to express? Are they words to heal or hurt? Words to bring hope or simply express frustration, there are times for both. Some say it is time for bullets not words, a time for war, not peace. But why? Is it time for brother to kill brother? Is it time for anger to conquer, or thought to turn to insanity?
But again, who has the right words? Who is putting them out there to make sense of things? My words fail me, my thoughts are simply a jumble. An empty string of letters and sounds arranged to bring peace to my thoughts, to ease the voices screaming for attention. There must be words to bend the thoughts of madmen guiding them back to the light. There must be words to bring hope to those who are struggling.
But then if the only tool you have is a hammer, everything is a nail.