Media Personality | TV and Radio Host | Humanitarian Aid Advocate | Creative Director at XTRA MILES NETWORK | Businessman | Father Figure| Writer
Dear Mum & Dad
I hope this letter finds its way to your hearts, carried by the wind of love that transcends this world. I want you to know that, though we may be far apart, I am still with you in spirit, watching over you from a place of peace and light. Please, take comfort in my words, and let them ease the pain that I know you’re feeling.
I write to you from a place so far away, where the stars kiss the sky. Though the fire took us from you, our hearts will never say goodbye. Mum, please don’t cry when you see the empty bed. We’re not lost, just ahead walking on paths lined with light, where darkness no longer exists. Tell Dad; tell my sisters and brothers that we are at peace now, as angels are. This is not the end, but just a moment. We are still with you, though our journey has changed.
Though the flames took our school, God has a greater purpose for us all. It’s hard to see now, but one day, Mum, You will understand just trust and let it be. Hold on to love, hold on to faith, for we live beyond time and space. We are not far, just in another place, with smiles on our faces, filled with eternal grace. Mum, don’t wear sorrow or grief. Believe that this was not in vain. We are safe now in God’s loving embrace, and one day, we will meet again, face to face.
Until that day, keep your heart warm and bright. We will always be a part of you, in every whisper of the wind, in every drop of morning dew. I want you to know I have not turned my back on you, so there’s no need to cry. I’m watching over you from heaven, just beyond the morning sky. I’ve seen you nearly fall apart, struggling to stand through your pain. I asked the Lord to comfort you, and He gently took your hands.
He told me that your pain is greater than mine could ever be. He wiped His own tears, and placed your hands in mine. Though you may not feel my touch, or see me by your side, I whisper that I love you both, and I wipe each tear you cry. So please, Mum and Dad, try not to ache for me. We’ll meet again one day. Beyond the dark and stormy skies, a rainbow will guide our way. Mum, I know it’s hard, but don’t cry too much.
I love you, and I miss you too. I miss the mornings you took me to school, and the times Dad took me shopping. I don’t know who will fill my place in your hearts, but please tell my sisters and brothers that I’m watching over them. My heart bleeds, Mum. I didn’t deserve the fire. My dreams have been burnt away, and I’m sorry that I may not make you proud After all the love and effort you gave me. I know people will cry my friends too, my teachers But all in vain, because I’m gone, Mum.
Right now, I lie in a cold room, Silent and still. I can’t speak, I can’t eat, I can’t wake up. It hurts to be separated from you and Dad. Tell Dad not to cry too much. Tell my brothers and sisters that it’s okay this was God’s plan. Mum, don’t forget me. Keep my memory alive. Don’t delete my pictures. Pray for me, Mum. I know you’re asking what happened Even I don’t know.
We were just sleeping, waiting for tomorrow’s class. I miss reading, I miss writing. I miss your voice. Please, Mum, pray for me. Tell Dad I love him so much I feel his pain. I feel our teachers’ pain at losing such a bright pupil. Mum, stay strong. When we meet again in paradise, I’ll tell you everything. But for now, all I can say is goodbye. Please, pray for me and my friends. With love that transcends this world, your little ones, now in God’s care.
With all my love, your child.