Voiceovers And 2016 Blogs – The Not Silent Blog 3/3/2020

Voiceovers And 2016 Blogs – The Not Silent Blog 3/3/2020

2016 was a good year for the Not Silent Blog.

You know what that means: I’ve had a crazy week and I’m going on vacation so no blog next week. I’ll post pics from Hawaii as soon as I can. ??


Enjoy these blogs from 2016!

Facebook Friends, The Sequel

The Secret to Getting An Agent

My Sennheiser 416

Action Plans

Your Lousy Marketing


Thursday, March 19th @8PM EST: My next Edge Studio Business and Money 201 webinar will be ‘Tax Time!’. In this one-hour webinar, I’ll walk you through my day with the CPA and talk about how to make filing your taxes as a voice talent marginally less painful. Click here to sign up.

Tuesday, March 24th @8PM EST: My next Edge Studio Marketing 201 webinar will be ‘The Sales Funnel’. In this one-hour webinar, we’ll talk about what the Sales Funnel is and how to push voice seekers through it. Click here to sign up!

There are still a few seats left in my two VO Atlanta X-Sessions…

  • Thursday March 26th @9:00 AM EST: (PRE-CONFERENCE X-SESSION) Learning to do eLearning
  • Friday March 27th 6:30PM EST: eLearning Script Writing & Performance Intensive

These special workshops carry an additional fee on top of the VO Atlanta registration fee BUT you don’t have to attend VO Atlanta proper to sign up for these workshops. Click here to see the full list of X-Sessions offered.

Thursday May 28th @2:30 PM EST: “Learning to do eLearning”. Are you in town for APAC Week? Curious about eLearning narration? In this two-hour workshop you will learn what eLearning narration is, it’s sub-genres, narration tips, how much to charge, demo specs, and there will be live coaching! It’s $100 to attend, but if you use the promo code EARLYBIRD528 you get in for only $75! Seats are limited so sign up ASAP. Click here to register!

November 6-8, 2020: the Mid-Atlantic Voice Over (MAVO) conference in Herndon, Virginia. I have the honor of presenting yet again! In addition to the regular sessions (which will be announced soon) I will also be leading a special 3-hour Mastery Session. The topic: ‘Manage Your Money Like a VO Pro‘. These sessions fill up quickly so make sure you get your spot! Click here to sign up now!


Happy Banana Cream Pie Day and What if Cats and Dogs had Opposable Thumbs Day!


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Tom Dheere is a 20+year veteran of the voice over industry who has narrated thousands of projects for hundreds of clients in over a dozen countries. He is also a voiceover business & marketing consultant known as the VOStrategist and produces the comic book “Agent 1.22”.

Subscribe to my weekly blog and the monthly VO Strategist Learnin’ Stuff Notice!

Mark Gardner

CEO at The Voice Over Grind

4 年

I was off Broadway performing in a original Broadway play.? ?RACE!



