#VoiceOfRotomotive - Gajendra Bodgal
Being from a commerce background and little technical know-how, my path led me to Rotomotive, where a remarkable transformation began. Before Rotomotive, I worked in the back-office operations. Then Minoo Dave, recognizing my potential, invited me to join the Sales team after a rigorous interview process, including one with Umeshbhai.
Despite doubts, Minoo bhai's confidence in me and my desire to grow urged me to accept the offer.
As I started working at Rotomotive, I began to change. I got interested in technical stuff and wanted to learn more. I remember personally visiting 10 customers a day on my scooter, equipped with a 56-frame size motor and gearbox number 30. Often, customers were unaware of motors and didn't schedule appointments, which posed challenges. However, my passion for my work drove me to persevere. It wasn't easy, but I kept going because I loved what I was doing.
Umeshbhai's mentorship proved instrumental in sculpting my journey. He shared his knowledge with us every three months, training us on important technical stuff. These regular training sessions enriched my understanding, propelling my growth.
Gratitude swells within me, directed towards Minoo Dave for recognizing the potential within, and Umeshbhai, whose unwavering belief ignited confidence in me.
Among my achievements, I take pride in my work with the Robust 012 in sugarcane juicer machines. Researching and innovating, I contributed to selling 4000 gearboxes annually.
After 18 years, my passion for learning and growth remains steadfast.
Whether I am busy working or taking a break, I'm always committed to learning and growing. This journey never ends for me—it's a constant adventure driven by my determination and love for what I do. I'm committed to learning and contributing to my work, and this dedication will endure for many more years to come.