? Voicemail ? Open ? Walk-up ? Possible ? Demography ?
? Voicemail ? Open ? Walk-up ? Possible ? Demography ?

? Voicemail ? Open ? Walk-up ? Possible ? Demography ?

'Voicemail' toping future leaning themes like 'Open, Walk-Up, Possible, and Demography' on this week's Friday Five is layered light a Certified Parisian Croissant. And old technology who's functions have largely been distributed to other platforms, like text. But it's hard to let go of the old, even while the future is crashing down on us like an underappreciated sleeper wave.

Getting back into the swing of things after some time off the grid. And then Bill Walton's passing on my return was license to break all the rules, six items not five, two words not one.

Walking to Peet's for coffee after hitting send, so without further adieu. This week's Friday Five, five posts that touched a nerve.

The Friday Five

Contacts, Telephones and Voicemail

Two simple rules and a path to phone peace. 1) I include a face in contacts. No face, no answer. 2) I don't check voicemail. - Jeff Frick

Wow, talk about touching a nerve? People missed the tips, and had a field day on assessing my voicemail policy. To be clear, I share what works for me. I'm not telling anyone what to do.

We keep adding communication methods, channels. I propose you take a step back, stack rank and prioritize, can you reduce anything? After interviewing Kyle 'KMo' Moschetto on his relationship with email, it forever changed the way I manage communications. To paraphrase a lesson from 'Social Dilemma', using the tool is good. When the tool starts using you, not so good. Manage the madness.

The Article : The Workers Who Do Everything on Their Phones — Except Answer Calls, by Callum Borchers, The Wall Street Journalhttps://lnkd.in/gZfVvx4c

The Social Dilemma:, Netflix 2020 - https://www.thesocialdilemma.com/

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Open Systems

It's here today. It's just difficult to make a case to invest in those new tools for some real estate groups?- Phil Kirschner

'The future is here, it's just not evenly distributed' (William Gibson)

It's here today. In an increasingly dynamic dynamic world, data contains value you can't afford to live without. Short sample from an insightful conversation with an industry innovator.

Phil Kirschner: Real Estate, Futures, Workplace | Work 20XX Podcast with Jeff Frick - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RF7pCVoAI0&list=PLZURvMqWbYjmmJlwGj0L0jWbWdCej1Jlt&t=1792s&ab_channel=TurntheLenswithJeffFrick - Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/episode/250leQOLPv6fiUcKS4IgDt?si=f83fd95746214220&nd=1&dlsi=51745284a9df407a - Transcript and show notes - https://www.work20xx.com/episode/phil-kirschner-real-estate-futures-workplace-work-20xx-ep17 - or wherever you podcast

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Walk Up Song

You know I love music. We talked walk up songs. When you're grabbing your bat, and heading to the plate, what music is playing in Nats Park? - Mike Petrusky

What's your walk up song and why?

Such a hard question, with so many things consider, go with the quick 'jumps into my mind'

First 29 Seconds of Entre Nous by Rush. Build up to something's about to happen! https://open.spotify.com/track/3JZDax8w9XaM2SXVim3lxd?si=3b431124a5144c8f And then at second 30, as the music fades from the PA, the crowd stands and launches into Air Guitar singing 'We are secrets to each other....'Oh yes, did you know Geddy Lee has a HUGE Baseball Memorabilia collection, like world class museum stuff.

A Milestone Celebration - Innovation and Inspiration for Facilities Management, CRE and Workplace Leaders | Workplace Innovator Podcast with Mike Petrusky, and special guests Kay Sargent, Sarah Sims, CWP & Geoff Snavely, brought to you by Eptura, Ep300, 2024-Apr-09YouTube - https://lnkd.in/gJ7AxxBu - Spotify - https://lnkd.in/g92SGde5 - Transcript and Show Notes -https://lnkd.in/gzfrzaKU - or wherever your podcast

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What's Possible

I would just love to see more open mindedness around what's possible digitally and less discussion around what's negative ... we can talk about the negative til we're blue in the face, but that doesn't progress anything. - Dave Cairns

Embracing async for as many tasks as possible, frees up sync time for more important activities, like strengthening relationships, connection and trust. The world of 2019 fades farther into the rear view mirror, as did 2009, 1999, 1989, and so on. We're not going back, we never go back.

Dave Cairns: Arbitrage, Asset Class, Asynchronous, As-A-Service | Work 20XX podcast with Jeff Frick - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLVlq9F4E-s&list=PLZURvMqWbYjmmJlwGj0L0jWbWdCej1Jlt&t=3400s&ab_channel=TurntheLenswithJeffFrick - Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/episode/2LLtvmDifP3bdmTjGYF56K?si=kwKKpyMBRLyygHeFdiq2JQ - transcript and show notes - https://www.work20xx.com/episode/dave-cairns-arbitrage-asset-class-asynchronous-as-a-service-work-20xx-11

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Demography is extraordinarily clear. From that, you can absolutely derive all the rest, because the economy and all the rest will follow the population. - Pierre Nanterme

Find an hour on your calendar, (walks and exercise time qualifies), and schedule an hour with Pierre Nanterme, former CEO of Accenture, who unfortunately passed away to young at age 59 in Jan 2016 from colon cancer. Thanks to the magic of YouTube, we are able to enjoy this talk on leadership from April 10, 2012, to the students as his former school, ESSEC Business School in Paris-La Defense.

So many nuggets of wisdom in this hour. One of many to high light is the grandaddy of all statistics, demographics. As mentioned in this clip, from demographic, everything else is derived.

Pierre Nanterme, former CEO Accenture and ESSEC alumnus, speaking on campus in Paris-La Défense on leadership in a global company, 2012-April-10 via Claire Finot YouTube https://lnkd.in/gKvu92BF

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That's a wrap on today's edition.

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I go through gallons of Peet's Coffee putting posts together. Someone finally created an app, where you can buy me a cup of coffee.

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Buy me a cup of coffee. Novel approach to the $5 throw down.

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Jon Martin

Principal at M3 Multifamily LLC

9 个月

I didn't know what a Walk Up song was before your post, appreciate you keeping me in the know. Mine would have to be Limelight by RUSH. "...Those who wish to BE, must put aside the alienation, get on with the fascination, the real relation, the underlying theme." Truer words.


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