Voicemail Message Speaks Volumes

Voicemail Message Speaks Volumes

Imagine you've worked weeks to get an appointment—sending emails, exchanging messages on LinkedIn, or even sending direct texts—and finally get the chance to speak one-on-one. Up to now, you've invested and sweated details to project yourself in a professional image.

And then, after all this work, you finally get to the speaking stage and – boom! Your unkempt voicemail message blows a massive hole in the professional image you worked to cultivate.

"The caller you reached cannot take your call at the moment; please leave a message at the tone."

Or how about this one:

"Hi, this is Robert. Leave me a message."

Or, oh please, don't have this one:

"Leave me a message."

What are you telling the person on the other end? Is the messaging consistent with the professional image you project, or do you think your voicemail is a detail that is not worth worrying about? And if they want to hire you, should they expect this to be how you greet customers?

Bad voicemail greeting messages can derail all the hard work you've invested. Like it or not, you've given the caller a reason to wonder if you are the professional you claim.

An unprofessional voicemail message—or a lack of personal messaging—can impact your professional and personal life, and not in a good way.

People are social by nature. Putting generic technology between ourselves and the receiver raises a wall. You want to create the opposite.

Look at the signature on your email message. You likely have a customized signature with your name, title, company, and how to contact you. And if you go one more, a professional-style photo.

If you spend time ensuring your email messaging presents a professional signature, why leave your voicemail message undone?

Please invest a few minutes in your voicemail. After all, the message is a direct extension of the image you work to project to others.

Here is a simple yet effective voicemail template:

"Hello, this is (your name here). I am either away from my phone or unable to take your call. If you leave your name, phone number, and a brief message, I will get back to you soon. Thank you for calling."

One other tip about recording your message is to smile. An old radio trick was for DJs to lean in with a big smile before speaking, resulting in a happy, more optimistic voice. Trust me, this works.

One last note: be aware of your background noise. Just as a photographer knows a beautiful wedding photo can be destroyed by a random guy in a clown suit walking past in the background, so can the background of your voicemail message. Go find a quiet space and close the door. The only noise on the message should be your voice. No dogs barking, please.

Remember, every touch point in your professional journey is worth investing time and care in. Don't let your voicemail message give anyone a reason to think you are anything less than you wish to project.


Robin Blinder

Editor-in-Chief at Editor & Publisher and Vice President at The Blinder Group. Media Executive, Marketing Specialist, Writer.

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