The voice in your head
Elizabeth Rozario
?Helping guilt-ridden daughters to do their best for ageing parents ? so that they can enjoy life again ? one to one coaching?
What is the voice in your head saying to you all the time?
80 - 90% of our thoughts a negative and critical and those thoughts are the same as yesterday and the day before.
Only a minority of our thoughts are positive.
So which voice are you listening to most of the time?
Which thoughts are dominating your daily life?
Thoughts popping into our heads are usually saying,‘you're not good enough’,‘you need to do more’,‘work harder,’‘keep going just ignore it’,‘things will get better if you carry on working that bit harder,’‘you're not good enough’,‘you must do more.’
Have you ever thought of writing it down?
What you want to call it, that voice in your head that is shouting SO loudly all the time.
Actually, it might be worth giving it a name.
There are Disney cartoons about it; Pinocchio is the first one that pops into my head.
Jiminy Cricket was Pinocchio’s conscious voice that Pinocchio often ignored.
One suggestion I came across was to write down all those negative thoughts, or that Shedevil voice in your head, that it is criticising you all the time.
So write it down or just record yourself on you phone, you know for a minute or two.
All that negative stuff it's saying, or look at yourself in the mirror and just say it out loud.
OK let's just take a minute and go and look in the mirror and say out loud what that voice is saying.
How does it feel when you say it out loud to yourself in the mirror?
Would you say that to your friend or family?
How would it make them feel?
Hang on, how are you feeling after those words?
Or you too busy ignoring it?
We tend to be our worst critics and why do we allow it to ruin our lives?
Why do we allow the inner critic to rule our lives?
So now you have paused, said it out loud those horrible words that inner critic is saying all the time.
So, what do you need to say in response?
‘I am great.’
‘I am good enough.’
‘I am doing a fantastic job.’
‘I am a brilliant person.’
Others do appreciate every little thing you are doing for them.
Actually, hear them when they say it. They really mean it.
You are a special person.
What needs to happen to that inner voice, that inner critic that is going on and on all the time at you?
How long are you going to let it keep winning and ruining EVERY day?
What would happen if you turned around and said what you wanted to back at it?
Try it, when you are alone.
Face it and SHOUT back.
Say what you want to.
Yes, I know you have not told anyone else about this inner voice nagging away at you day and night.
Turn to it and just swear at it.
Yes, let it all out and SWEAR at it.
You will feel good after it.
Prof Steven Peters calls it a chimp. How do you describe yours?
After you have finished shouting at the inner critic, now be kind to yourself.
You are great, you are brilliant, you are doing a fantastic job.
Well done you perfect person.
Let's talk, here is the link to my diary:
#dying #ageingparents #bereavement