A voice is VOICELESS unless it is voiced-out!
Sarah Udoh-Grossfurthner
Author of 7 Books/Speaker/Inspirational Podcaster/Events Coordinator & Network Dinners Host/Kitchen Picasso.
So, a few weeks ago I began blogging excerpts from my upcoming book FROM FEARFUL TO FIERCE: a story of the journey to self-realization of a woman who was abused, bullied, called stupid, useless and worthless and told she would never amount to anything of worth. It is a story about the incredibly-uplifting power of resilience and voice - of finding, developing and OWNING your voice.
Why is the story important?
Telling this story hasn't been easy - as matter of fact, sometimes remembering has been akin to the ripping-off of the proverbial bandage. But I believe in it and so I have persevered. Because every disenfranchising, every alienation, every marginalization – whether of a group, a society, or even an individual starts with the taking away of their voice. And FROM FEARFUL TO FIERCE is essentially about losing a voice - the forceful loss of a voice to be exact.
The truth of the matter is that when you take away the voice of any person, group or society you take away not just their ability to speak but also their identity. Ultimately, a voice is pointless unless it is able to speak and voice out.
What do I hope to accomplish here....why am I willing to publicly share such a deeply personal story?
Because lessons from stories, especially those of triumph over adversity, have the power to restore, renew hope and change mindsets. Besides, every human being deserves to dream dreams and have aspiration. And they deserve to work those dreams and make them a reality without the limitations of man-made impediments.
Thank you for taking the time to read these musings from my heart this afternoon.
To follow the story, please click this link, https://fromfearfultofierce.medium.com/
(copy and paste to your browser if it doesn't work, please)
Sarah Udoh-Grossfurthner, Vienna, Austria
#Storiesthatmatter #HerStory #FromFearfulToFierce #OfThoughts&Dreams