Vodka -- could be bad for the soul.
Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui
Author - Lecturer - A Spiritual Soul Book & Maimonides Advice for the 21st Century. Chabad Palm Beach Fl. HQ
Knowledge is Power -- G-dly Knowledge is SUPER Power.
These guys are drinking in a pub and having a good time. They start getting into a conversation whether there is drinking up in heaven or not. One guy says, if there is no drinking, it can’t be heaven. The other guy says, heaven is drinking here with your friends, and this goes on for a while. Finally, one of them says, “the first one to die, has to promise he will come back and tell us, what really goes on up there.”
Some time passed, and one late night, one of the guys drank too much and passed away. OK, the other buddies said, “Let’s see if he keeps his word.” One night, another night, and they all meet at the pub wondering what’s going on. To whom will he come? Will it be before the thirty days, or after the thirty days? And then, he appears to Bill, in a dream, looking all worn out, black and charred, with a message, “Don’t drink Vodka, Don’t drink Vodka.”
Bill says, “Look at you what happened?” And the fellow says; “let me tell you what happened. After I passed away, I came before G-d, and my entire life, every detail, was played out for me. (That is what actually happens) I didn’t know where to put myself. The embarrassment, humiliation, disgrace was too much to bear.
The judges asked me, why I wasted my time on trivial and trifling matters. “Is this why you were granted life? To eat chips and drink, they asked.” “Before you bought a car you looked into it seriously, which model what make, you did think of the consequences of your choice. Before you bought a house, you got it inspected you looked into it, not to waste your money, and you considered the consequences of your choices. Even before spending small money, you considered whether it was a waste or worthwhile, why didn’t you do the same regarding your life? Why didn’t you make some serious inquiries, investigations, and research, into your life and after life choices, and their consequences?”
I told them you have the wrong guy. I never thought of later, and/or consequences. I was impulsive and always thought of the moment, never of the future. So this one judge asks me, “Did you drink wine?” I said, not only did I drink wine, I enjoyed every good wine I could put my hands on. And he continued to ask me, “Did you drink vodka?” I said to the guy, Give me a break. And how, I drank vodka. Like there was no tomorrow. That’s what got me up here. And he says to me, “but Vodka is bitter it doesn’t taste good.” And I said to him, listen Charlie, you must not know what it means to drink Vodka.
True it doesn’t taste good, and it is bitter, but the feeling one gets afterwards, the feeling of relaxation, makes it all worthwhile. And that’s when I got my foot in my mouth. So he says to me. “AHA. So, when it came to Vodka, you did think of the consequences of your immediate bitter choice, and decided the harsh sour taste, was worth the reward that came afterwards. So why didn’t you do the same regarding other choices in life? It’s only that with the other serious issues you didn’t have enough of an interest, and you didn’t care about it, while with drinking which YOU wanted, YOU decided to forego the temporary discomfort for the perceived rewards afterwards.” And that’s how I got myself into real trouble.
Therefore; if you don’t want to get into trouble, DON’T DRINK VODKA.”
You will never get one over G-d, and ignorance will never save you. Learn from the admonition of the Judge, to apply discernment in all matters of life, this fellow took the correct lesson, not to drink anymore.
This story exemplifies how, many times, we don’t even realize the double standards we ourselves maintain. We are, ready to pay the price, but only for things we have taken the time to discover its value. We are, ready to be disciplined and avoid bad things. Those we have come to see as harmful and counterproductive.
Happy people are happy because they know why they are here in this world, and they make every effort to consistently make choices in line with their purpose and goals. They see every day as a gift, which gives them more opportunities, to fulfill and reach their unique purpose. This becomes an intense sense of satisfaction and gratitude to G-d, for all the opportunities granted.