Vodafone Q ending Jun 2018 - Focus on India
Indian revenue declined 22% YoY but just 1% QoQ suggesting the Jio price war is now coming to an end though competition is described as still intense:
“In India, where competition remains intense, we have now received conditional approval from the Department of Telecoms for the merger of Vodafone India and Idea Cellular, which we aim to close before the end of August, allowing us to unlock substantial synergies”.
It also allows them to deconsolidate India from group results making them look more attractive – “Vodafone India has been classified as discontinued operations for Group reporting purposes”.
Indian data traffic quadrupled following a steep decline in data prices. This largely reflected increased smartphone usage as data allowances expand, with customers in India now using 4.6GB on average each month compared with 2.8GB in Europe, 2.3GB in the Africa, Middle East & Asia Pacific overall, and 3.3GB globally.
Despite seeing contract ARPU down 20% YoY and prepaid down 28% Vodafone remains confident that its “network investments have created a strong platform to capture this data demand, and we continue to have the leading or co-leading network NPS scores in 14 out of 20 markets including India.”
I’m not sure those NPS scores tell the real story. I think this article gives a better picture: