Vocational Training Materials Australia Training games...seriously
Five days to go!
Vocational Training Materials Australia launches.
Trainers and VETiS teachers: are you looking for a fun way to review your unit content or assess student learning in a fun and engaging way while still meeting the ASQA requirements for assessment?
Vocational Training Materials Australia is launching an online shop where you can purchase board games aligned to Australian Training Package qualifications. Download and print. Customise if you like. Video the games being played as evidence, track results using the Trainer tracking sheet.
Buy the game board, a set of question cards and answer booklets and you're good to go. Print and laminate yourself. Customise if you like. Buy more resources as you need them and re-sue the game board aligned to the qualification.
If you have online classes and live webinars, have a look at the Quizzes for a fun, Jeopardy-style way to engage your online students in review and assessment. Record the webinar and you're good to go for assessment evidence.
Do you have students with English language, literacy or numeracy needs and you want LLN activities aligned to your units of competency and contextualised so you can help your students fully understand the units? Have a look at the Language, literacy and numeracy resources.
All of the resources have been written by an adult literacy teacher with 35 years' experience working with vocational training packages, NSW and national vocational curriculum and policy development, and instructional design for f2f and online in VET and industry.
See you on Tuesday