VMS (Virtual Measurement Service) Explained

VMS (Virtual Measurement Service) Explained

Mistakes eat profits for lunch, and RTU replacements can become costly fast if the correct measurements and observations aren’t made at the start of the process.

A New Way to Get Expert Help

Curbco has always offered a Field Measurement Service in which a staff member visits the job site to record the required measurements for a curb adapter. Now, we are pleased to introduce a Virtual Measurement Service, which delivers all the benefits of an expert review at significantly less cost.

The Virtual Measurement Service consists of a video call with a Curbco expert, who will guide a contractor through the process of measuring the existing RTU curb, assessing the rooftop environment, and identifying blueprints for a curb adapter to mate the old curb with the replacement RTU.

How Does VMS Reduce TTF (Total Time to Fulfillment)?

In our decades of operations, we have seen countless instances where a wrong measurement or inaccurate model number relayed to our production team have costed contractors thousands of dollars in:

  • Lost time – having to re-measure and re-order when the delivered adapter doesn’t fit
  • Replacement products – the actual cost of having a new adapter fabricated
  • Loss of follow-on business – missed opportunities for future with contractor customers due to protracted down time (customer dissatisfaction)
  • Added time for equipment rental – When a crane is required to get the curb onto the roof, an unusable product means double the hourly rental fees to attempt the replacement a second time.

In addition, VMS is a useful tool for training or personal learning. After receiving expert guidance on the appropriate measurements, contractors will be better equipped to take the measurements quickly on the next job, and can even train their associates or employees using what they’ve learned.

How Does VMS Work?

First, our experts connect with the contractor on a video call using whichever service the customer prefers. The process begins with taking measurements of the existing RTU curb and identifying the make and model number of the current RTU. While our experts are on the roof (virtually) with a contractor, they can search our 35+ year database of curbs, find a manufacturer curb spec that matches what’s on the roof, and text that document to the contractor.

Facetime, Google Duo, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger

The contractor can then use their phone to compare the specs we provide to the existing curb. If they match, and the contractor knows the specs for the new RTU, we can provide them with an actual curb adapter drawing instantly. They can perform another comparison to see if the adapter design will integrate with the roof (accounting for obstructions, distance to roof edge, etc.) The contractor can potentially walk away from the VMS session with a complete adapter design and job number.

Who is VMS For?

VMS is useful for anyone who isn’t 100% confident in their ability to produce the right measurements.

  • Any project with multiple replacements or where risk is high
  • A contractor performing their first RTU replacement
  • A contractor who hasn’t replaced an RTU in a long time
  • Anyone with an occluded or hard-to-read RTU model number
  • Any situation where an RTU is already sitting on a curb adapter
  • An end-user who is tackling the project themselves
  • Anyone dealing with unique challenges like a complex or obstructed roof environment
  • Anyone who wants to insure against wasted time on their RTU replacement project

The old adage “measure twice, cut once” is true in the HVAC industry, and it never hurts to have a second set of eyes on these crucial measurements.


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