VMS Software: How To Prepare for in-Office Client Visit with truMe

vms software: What is the first thing that we see whenever we enter an office, business park, or residential complex? Guards and receptionists, right? Obviously, a visitor has to approach them to announce purpose of their visit and the guards/ receptionists have to note down all the details of visitors arriving and departing throughout the day for security reasons.

But this time tested, traditional process might irritate visitors as it is cumbersome and creates friction. The process also needs a lot of manpower and therefore has a cost. However, with the use of technology both the experience of the visitors and the security of the building can be improved. That’s where a Visitor management System comes into picture.

Why in-Office Visit Is Important?

Talking to your family and friends on the phone call is good, but obviously not as great as meeting them. The same is for any economic activity. In the era of online services, face-to-face meetings look like too much work. However, there are certain softer aspects that only face-to-face meetings accomplish.

Whatever product/ services you may be providing, it becomes very important for a client to meet you face to face to completely understand your vision, mission, value proposition, and most importantly, your product/ services. And that connection is important.

Who Is A Visitor?

A visitor is an individual who comes to meet a client, a service provider, in-office staff etc. A visitor can be invited by a host or anyone in the office. And a visitor can just walk in and ask to meet someone or to know about your services.



How To Prepare For An In-Office Client Visit With VMS Software?

You will never lose a customer, who actually visited.

So, it’s our duty to offer the best and uninterrupted services to the visitor. A visitor seeks a pleasant, fruitful, and effective visit beyond the comfort, beauty, and functionality of the office. Everyone wants their privacy to be safeguarded and there should be a clear direction and a welcoming ambiance.

You should keep the following in mind to stay prepared for an in-office client visit.

1. VMS Software

How many people visited your office today, yesterday, or 2 years ago on 19th April? To answer these questions is not easy. Right? You can answer about recent ones, but what about last year or two years ago, will go for hundreds of registers or files, or will open the excel sheet and count them manually? So, VMS software (visitors management software) ensures that you automatically record and maintain visitors’ data in a much easier way.

Without sacrificing the comfort and privacy of the visitors, truMe VMS software assists the client in addressing any security-related issues at the office complex. Also, it minimises the requirement for security staff, which results in saving money. You can confirm the date and time on VMS software. You can also invite guests on the VMS app and Register.

Read More: How VMS Software Actually Works?



2. Give Clear Directions

Imagine being a client or visitor to a workplace and using a public parking spot without any directional indicators to help you reach the person you want to meet. Without guidance, you may get so confused that you have to wait or leave. It can be frustrating to spin and whirl while looking for some direction. There should be parking management system too. So, to ensure the visit goes smoothly, go for a VMS software that truly helps you to be on top of your game.

3. Enlist Discussion Points

For which purpose, this meeting is actually going on? What is the agenda of the meeting? You should be clear of everything before the client’s visit. Finalise all the staff members who are to join the meeting or to attend the client. Try to frame out a list of topics for the meeting, including how will it begin, and ends.

4. After Visit

Post- visit preparation is as important as the arrival of your client. Make a clear picture of all the points discussed in the meeting. Create a wrap-up report for your internal team at the office. Try to connect with your client as he/she has reached their destination or not. Yes, don’t forget to do a follow-up with the client.


Let’s meet up and make your clients’ visit super amazing. Just remember your first impression is extremely important. So make it count.

Be on top of the game, with truMe VMS software and VMS app.

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